Part 12: Chapter 3C (1)

It seems hardly the time, Ailyth. What warrants my return now?

I am afraid sire's mother has grown ill. Her caretaker grows worried.

How do you know this?

The winds of Niflheim whisper much that cannot be seen.

I heed their tidings so that you need tend only to battle.

I have been remiss.

Your mother's taken a turn for the worse. Nothing I say or do can console her.

Who goes there?

Do you not recognize me?


At last, you've returned to me! I knew you would. An eternity I have waited!

Of course.


Thyodor, you mustn't leave me. I grow terribly lonely when you're away.

Promise never to leave me alone again... Not without children to keep me company.

You needn't worry.

I am here beside you now. You are tired, and must rest.

I will... my dear...

She has since Elsie passed. Unable to cope with the grief, Mother's mind fled to the time when she was happiest.

Now she is locked in the memory of her maidenhood, and oblivious to the days since... as though Elsie and I were never born.

So unbearable was her suffering... You mustn't blame her for wanting to escape.

But then, who is to blame for such things?

Come. We have work ahead.

Will you not call on Tilte before going?

I had best not, for both her sake and mine..

As you say, Master.

Of all the places, Loki! Did I not know better, I might think you were shying away from your promise to go riding.

Forgive me, I was otherwise... preoccupied. Speaking of which, Frey...

What is it?

On second thought, never you mind. Ride out ahead of me for now - I will gather my things and join you shortly.

Do not be long.

And here we had assumed Nilflheim had at last quiesced.

An intriguing game you play, Lady Hel.

Now to see how long your pawn can slip past Valhalla's watch.

On my way!

From Kristoff, you say? Curious... I will hear it.

As you command, my liege. I shall call the messenger forth.

Could my dear brother's innocent eyes have opened to my little scheme so soon?

Hmhmhm... I should think not.

The emissary of His Royal Highness Prince Kristoff.

That is all well and good. What sayeth my brother?

Of course, Your Highness. I come bearing a request from Prince Kristoff.

The little beggar dare asks favors of me? I do not care if his mother was queen-

But Your Highness, Prince Kristoff's request concerns the very seat of which you speak.

Oh? And how is that?

He kindly asks for your head to decorate it.


Burn where you stand! FIRE STORM!
A large boom and the screen flashes white for a second.

An ether barrier!? ...And a formidable one at that. No one told me you were a sorceror.

Impudence! You've nerve to come for me, churl! You will find me most unmerciful!

Little good will come of killing the pigeon for the message of its sender. 'Til next we meet!
Running footsteps.

Declare hostilities against my brother at once! And bring me the head of that "messenger" - place a bounty on it if you must.

The time for diplomacy is past. If it is war Kristoff wants, it is war he shall have!

Aye, Your Highness.