Part 17: Chapter 2 (Hroethe Walk) Sacrifices
Chapter II (Hroethe Walk) SacrificesThere are no variations on who you sacrifice first, so let's start with the more boring one.

Baldr, son of Odin, and brother of Loki and Vali.
Baldr's Pact is a solid Plume skill, especially in conjunction with Provoke. It nullifies physical damage and returns it to its origins, doubled. If memory serves right it also works on physical Soul Crushes, which is handy when you start running into them. It only applies to Wylfred post-sacrifice though, so a serving of Provoke beforehand is helpful (due to the AP cost, you can't use Vali's Awakening in combination).


Darius you are duller than bread. Let's hope Gwendal has something more interesting. Before that though, I can link to this:
Darius' Battle Lines (English/Japanese)
Posly'd to avoid spoilers, of course. His JP voice is a bit more interesting to me. His English VA is unknown, but in JP he's voiced by Takayuki Suzuki, who has done a bit of assorted work but seems to be more focused on working behind the scenes, though he did do a bit of work dubbing a few X-Men in the dub of X-Men: Evolution.

There doesn't seem to be anything on Veigr; the best I could find with a cursory search was it being one of the names mentioned in the list of the Dvergar or Norse dwarves.
Veigar's Warcry gives allies' attacks a chance to inflict Instant Death for three rounds. It sounds useful but it does have its risks - because it's random it could occur on your first attack or the last, and it doesn't have any effect if the enemy is already dead and you're trying to get Sin. In fact it might even hamper Sin gathering because a random retaliation could cause the enemy to die instead and leaving almost no Sin behind. Use with care.


...Well. THAT was unexpected. (And if you're wondering, no, we never find out, though a bit of postgame content provides a rumour or two.)
Gwendal's Voice Collection (English/Japanese)
I have to say, I much prefer his English voice, whose VA is sadly again unknown. In Japanese though he's voiced by Hiroaki Hirata, who has done quite a lot of work; notably he's the voice of Balthier from Final Fantasy XII, Laguna Loire from Dissida 012, and Vergil from UMvC 3.