Part 19: Chapter 4C (1)

Amid the perils of combat lie great opportunity.

It may behoove the master to invoke the Destiny Plume in the battles ahead.

I fear that revenge against the Battle Maiden shall be most difficult to exact should you not.

Fear not for my sake.

If there is any way I might serve you, sire, I pray you do not hesitate to call me.

I'll remember that.

What is it you want, Loki?

Now, what ever have I done to warrant such distrust? I came only to chat!

Surely the disquiet on Midgard does not escape your keen intuition.

I needn't be told by a rogue like you that foul deeds are afoot.

I expected no less. And how, may I ask, do you intend to address the situation?

I shall wait... for now. But should the evil grow any stronger...

As ruler of Artolia, I shall likewise seek to further strengthen the bonds between our two kingdoms.

My king shall be most pleased to hear this. I must return to deliver the good tidings at once.

Safety guide you down the long road home, Lord Gandar.

In the meantime, however, you are more than welcome to clear my table.

We await Your Highness' command.


The men are mindful of your plight, sire. Your Highness has mercifully honored the fraternal bond.

Very well.

It speaks to nothing. My sins defy words.

So long as you do not voice regret, I fear not for your sake.

One who cannot overcome his own conscience has little hope of defeating the valkyrie. Penitence will not save you now - sin shall.

I am beyond salvation.
Sound of a bell ringing.

While you tend to your task, so too does the valkyrie to hers.

Do you mean to say-

It is she who rings the bell, sire.

I shall see for myself.
New town, new chapter, and new shops! Before we do plot stuff, let's go shopping.
There's only one weapon of interest - the Estoc has 95 ATK, 2 attacks and SC enabled. I'm not too sure if the Flame Pallasch would still be better because I'm not too clear on if elemental boosts apply before or after the raw ATK score is added to the weapon's, but I pick one up anyway. Darius keeps the Frostbane because he likes his three attacks. Everyone else has something better.
Armor-wise, there's a lot to pick up. I pick up three Duel Helms (30 RDM, 5 RST) and Duel Armor (80 RDM, 5 AVD) for Darius/Gwendal/Duwain, and Rosea gets an Anointed Cloak (110 RDM, 5 RST, 10 AVD), Magic Gloves (20 RDM, 15 RST) and Elfin Boots (20 RDM, 10 RST, 30 AVD).
As always, the bulk of purchases come from the Others section. Consecration is crappy - it heals the user of Poison and Silence at the start of the round (not too sure if it works on Curse). You have better things to do with your AP. Defiance on the other hand, is an interesting Technique. It halves all incoming damage and stacks with things like Diminish Missile/Reduce Magic, but also reduces blocking and avoidance rate and increases the chance of status effects landing. If it wasn't for the latter I'd be all over that, but it's a tremendous defensive boost either way; I'll just be slightly wary of it when facing Sorcerers.
New spells. Suspend Motion is the big winner here - it inflicts Stun on an opponent with 100% success rate unless they are outright immune for 50 AP. It basically acts like a mini-Gleipnir's Bonds and being able to take an enemy out of commission for three rounds is amazing. Sacred Javelin we already have, but if we didn't have Rosea it would be great to finally get it. Poison Blow, as mentioned before has its uses as a menu spell, but isn't worth using as a mainline offensive spell.
We'll do optional battles another time. For now, on with storyline.


I ask you - what greater glory could visit the House of Haughn? It is not a day to mourn, but to celebrate!

We know this.

Our son honors us.

I... I never-!

Th-that is-!

Would that I could suffer this quietly! It is in your place I say these things, Brother!


Where do you run, Valmur!?

The royal court summons me. I delay no further.

Off with you, then! Desert us rather than confront the truth, like you always do!


You there. Might I know your name and purpose?

I merely pass through. My name is of no consequence.

Very well then, traveler. We gather to bury my battle-slain brother.

I can see you are a man of war, and a warrior's homage is always welcome, if you will indulge us.

Forgive me. I must take leave of you now.

We are honored by your beneficence, traveler.

It is I who am honored.

You hold the feather of the Battle Maiden!

You know of it?

All too well. It is all that remains of those she takes.

You are bereaved by the valkyrie as well?

She has taken all I ever had.

You have my ear. Come, we may resume this discussion amid the privacy of our hearth.
Well don't mind if I do!

Nicolas rushed bravely to his elder brother's defense, and there by Valmur's side he fell. ...And there lay this.

The plume of the valkyrie.

Those of our line are born to die for her. The lore is replete with tales of our forebears recruited for the divine struggle.

Emboldened by blaring battlehorns in my youth, I too longed to join their ranks.

Now those same horns clarion my son's dirge. Their hollow timbre resonates deep within me.


We welcome a guest into our home to share the memory of your brother this night, Phiona. You abandon us to train at this hour?

Nicolas would do the same were it my death. Loss of kin does not excuse neglect.


You will excuse me.

It is understandable.

It pains me to see her such a semblance of my younger self.

Perhaps glory does await the fallen. But what is left to those in the wake? What does the valkyrie carry for us?

Visions of einherjar and heavenly crusades - I taught my son a life of war, led him to an early grave for this!?

All to give my children over to that death goddess!


You've never seen a boy as strong as my Nicolas! Yet that is the very reason she chose him. His gift cost him his life.

Father, you must come at once! Demons raid our lands!

I shall hasten to the front.

You shall do no such thing. You will remain until Valmur returns.

Remain and watch our men die? I would rather die myself.

Lord of the house he may be, but we cannot await Valmur's return to act. Let Phiona lead the men. We shall follow in support.

Wylfred, can I call upon you to join us?
Next time: I'm excited for our newest party members! Are you?