Part 22: Chapter 4C (4)

I'm going to swap Reinhilde out for Gwendal for this fight; we can't let some people get too behind in levels, can we?

This is a pretty easy battle - we only need 500 Sin and there are eight enemies. But let's check in on Phiona first.

Phiona is on the other side of the map. Most of the enemies will ignore her, so she'll have to contend with only a Swordsman and an Archeress. Phiona is a Warrior and can handle the Swordsman on her own, but since she won't move she'll just stand there and take punishment from the Archeress after that. She can take a lot of damage, so while there is a time limit, it's a very relaxed one.

We'll start by all shuffling forward. We've seen the Brigands and Swordsmen from the previous plot map.

And the Brigand Sap Powers Wylfred. Urgh, I'd have preferred if it attacked instead.

The Archeress attacks Gwendal, but he blocks the last few hits. I seem to be blocking more often lately.

And the Swordsman runs back and Guard Reinforces the Archeress.

Rosea weakens the Brigand, then she and Gwendal soften up the Archeress a little.

And now for some pain!

It can be difficult to get a good shot of Reign of Terror.

The Archeress is actually pretty harmless compared to some of the other monsters we've been facing this chapter.

I wish Gwendal was better at getting crystals, but it's not like Reinhilde was any better at it.

The Brigand decides to be even more annoying and Sap Power Auguste as well.

So Gwendal rips him a new one.

We'll let this one live... for now.

Phiona starts slashing back at the Swordsman stupid enough to get in her way. Her sword is pretty big, and she hits hard, if she was smart enough to go chase after the Archeress we wouldn't be worrying at all.

The Swordsman tries to run away. Also notice that a new enemy has floated down to join us.

Auguste loves gems. Enemies vomit crystals when Auguste gets gems. We love crystals. Ergo, we love Auguste getting gems.

Oh hey, more stuff I'll never use.

Phiona takes one half of the only things hitting her.

The Iron Golem hammers at Rosea and the Archeress from across the river also joins in.

Golems are another annoying enemy. They have enough health to not be a pushover, they hit hard, and they have a beam attack that always inflicts Stone. No elemental attributes, and they can fly. We'll just Suspend Motion this one so we can attack it freely - luckily it's right on the edge of land so we can stand next to it and attack.

They also take significantly less damage from physicals as compared to magic.

Again, not really concerned about Sin here.

The only other non-human enemy on the map is a Carrion Wolf who is the last enemy between us and Phiona.

Hey, that's 2,400 OTH saved, sweet.

I think this is the first time I've used a potion since... Chapter 2? Might have even been Chapter 1.

Wylfred chips at the Archeress...

And also gets a hidden item. Spirit Tinctures restore 3,000 HP to all allies in range. I might never use them.

Let's save this silly girl already.

Witch's Arcanums heal 3,000 HP to one ally. Will likely never use it either.

Some fantastic stuff today, which makes it great that the 200% Sin is so easy to reach. Another copy of Stalking is the base reward, along with the Elfin Taffeta which is a nice cloth armour has 200 RDM, 25 AVD and 10 RST, along with a 20% resistance to Earth, but also a 20% weakness to Lightning. Great for either Rosea or Auguste. For 375 Sin we get two more copies of Diminish Missile, along with two copies of Counter Attack, a technique that activates when you dodge an attack - it'll then get you a free attack in exchange. Unreliable and can even be a hindrance, so we won't use it. Characters all have unique lines for counterattacking too, which you'll probably never hear especially if you're using Defiance, which cuts avoidance rate. Rounding out the mid-tier is a pair of Extreme Armguards, which have 40 RDM, 5 AVD and 5 RST and a slightly lower blocking rate than the Holy Gauntlets, but have a 20% Fire resistance instead of a 50% to Darkness.
Aside from another copy of Training, getting 200% Sin has two very unique rewards. The Shackle of Sin is only equippable by Wylfred and is only available on this battle in this path; it raises Sin earned by 20%, raising the possible cap to 120 per enemy. Brilliant stuff. The Othinus' Bow has only 80 ATK compared to the Arbalest's 105 and only has two attacks, but has a very special property - attacks done with that Archer deal double the number of hits and thus double damage, and double the chances to get crystals and gems. Amazing, amazing weapon for Reinhilde. The only drawback is that it doesn't raise Attack Gauge generated and its effect doesn't apply to Soul Crushes, but once Reinhilde has her sights on a fazed enemy with this bow, it'll more than make up for it.

The irritating part is how if you let Phiona die in that battle, it's a Game Over... but this happens when you're successful.


Alright, we have quite a few party members now, so it's time to trim the fat a little. Voting Time! Each of you gets three votes to decide who among Darius, Gwendal, Rosea, Duwain, Auguste and Reinhilde get a slot in Wylfred's party. You can split them however you want; three characters with one vote apiece, a 2-1 split between two characters, or completely back one character. The three characters with the most amount of votes win.
That said, I'm making a slight caveat; if none of Darius, Duwain or Rosea are in the top 3, then whoever among them that has the highest number of votes will replace whoever is in third place. So apologies to those who want a Gwendal/Auguste/Reinhilde party, but Papa needs his knockdown.
Voting will end sometime within 48 hours.