Part 23: Chapter 3C Sacrifices
Chapter 3C SacrificesAlternate scenes here, depending on who you sacrifice first. Let's do the Duwain version to begin with.

Alfar, the elves.
Inspiration of the Alfar nullifies AP cost for all allies for two rounds. Not quite as useful as it sounds - Wylfred uses up one of his two turns even using it, so he'll only get one turn to use it. Also it costs an entire 100 AP. Sorcerers make the best use of this tactic - you can do things such as Aura Flux Suspend Motion, for instance, and you can use it as an emergency if you really need to Dash or use a powerful potion but your other characters don't have AP. Still, it's very situational.


Duwain Voice Collection
Duwain is voiced by Masafumi Kimura in the Japanese version, who hasn't done that many starring roles. He was Kitsuchi in Naruto, Crux in Fairy Tail, and Tenken in Bleach, among others.
Now let's plume Rosea.

Eir, the goddess of healing.
Eir's Mercy essentially casts Heal for free on all party members at the start of the next three Ally Phases, for 80 AP. Again, less useful than it sounds - it doesn't prevent death and doesn't resurrect KO'd members, and in fact a character loses this effect if they're killed and then revived. So it's not going to really help you against bosses that can one-shot you. Plus you're also giving up your Sorceress, not usually a good thing.


Rosea Voice Collection
Another VA woefully unknown, though in Japanese she's voiced by Chie Nakamura, who you may recognize as Sakura Haruno from Naruto and Mrs. Kawakami from K-On!. More interestingly is a voice clip at 2:45 that never made it into the game... fascinating.
And here're the scenes if you plume them in the reverse order:
