Part 27: Chapter 5C (4)

Lots of enemies, but Kristoff aside, nothing the last two battles haven't gotten us used to. Another relaxed Sin quota as well, which is good because we do want that 200% Sin here.

As you might expect, Kristoff waits in the back. Kristoff is a Warrior with an enormous amount of health and resistances to Fire, Ice and Holy. He actually hits less hard than Roienburg but he has access to a nasty Darius-like combo that lets him get easy gems.
Since Kristoff is resistant to both Ice and Holy, you could just fall back on Sacred Javelin here, or resort to Dark Savior if you really want damage.

That said... you might have seen where this is going.

As a reminder, Gwendal's Plume effect, Veigr's Warcry, has everyone's attack gain a chance of inflicting Instant Death.

Here's something that applies to both allies and enemies; if two or more units attack one from the opposing side, if a counterattack kills one unit and the unit being attacked still has spare attacks, they can use them on the next target. So the Swordswoman and Lancer both attack Gwendal, and Gwendal kills one of them with his first attack, and he still has two left (I gave him the Caliburn instead of the Elemental Edge).

So he kills two enemies in one round instead.

You also get all the experience, Sin and gold combined.
I mean, there isn't really much else I can say about this battle. Assuming you're playing it fairly, you're just going through it slowly, killing the same enemies you've been killing the past two or three maps to ensure maximum Sin.

You get Gwendaled!

You get Gwendaled!

Everybody gets Gwendaled!

As mentioned before, Kristoff is usually actually pretty tough and can easily rack up enough gems of his own to kill a non-Plumed character. He also always does his Soul Crush like Roienburg. His only flaw is that he's a Warrior with their terrible range and that his AI is too dumb to not chain his attacks rapidly, causing some of them to miss especially after a faze.

Kristoff Soul Crush

We could actually just get to the heart of the matter.

You did well, Gwendal. I mean, check out that experience you brought us! And each crystal here is worth 2,600 experience. If we'd actually gone in with a full party with Auguste that's a lot of potential extra experience to be earned. Not that you'd get to enjoy it that much...

The even better prize is of course a third Power Bangle.

Some end-game equipment that's sadly outdated. The Sylph Robe is a powerful robe that has 90% Darkness resistance, but it can only be worn by male Sorcerers (so Lockswell). The Imanotsurugi is a knife with a chance of Instant Death, but again, we don't have a Rogue. In the 200% rewards, we finally have a broadsword that displaces the Elemental Edge - the Arectarics has 150 ATK, three attacks, and +50% Holy damage. Too bad about Gwendal though...
The other two 200% rewards are also interesting. Rosea finally gets an upgrade here, and what an upgrade it is - the Caduceus has 950 MAG, which becomes 1140 with the Magic Bangle. For reference, Rosea's old Holy Rod had 330. It's like the game is finally making up for Sorcerers not being able to get gems.
The Blue Gale is supposedly the best bow, with 140 ATK and three attacks. Since we went through the C path though, we have the Othinus' Bow. On the surface, you could be understood for thinking the Blue Gale is still better - it has 60 more ATK and the Othinus' Bow's effect doesn't apply to Soul Crushes. If you do the math however, once Reinhilde hits around 300 ATK the Othinus' Bow is outright better. (Reinhilde has over 400 right now, not including the Power Bangle.) This is also considering no gems - since the Othinus' Bow has a better return on gems due to the insane multiplier it grants the Archer, as you get more gems the gap between the two widens even more in favour of the Othinus' Bow. So sadly enough the only worthy thing here for us is the Caduceus, but what a prize it is.



A flash of light, then