Part 28: Chapter 4C Sacrifices
Chapter 4C SacrificesLet's start with Auguste.

Aesir, the pantheon.
Need a pretty broken skill? Step Auguste up to the plate. Fury of the Aesir nullifies all physical damage done to characters for three turns, including Soul Crushes, for 80 AP. As you can imagine, that's pretty ridiculous. Sure you can still be hurt by magic and the effect disappears if an ally is KO'd... but considering you're running into physical attackers 90% of the time, I wouldn't be that worried.


Ignore the background, I recorded these in the wrong order.

Auguste Voice Collection
For once, we have English VAs too - Auguste is voiced in English by Michael McConnohie, who has an incredible resume. You may recognize a few of his roles as Kel'Thuzad, Uther the Lightbringer and Deathwing from Warcraft III/World of Warcraft, FuSoYa from Final Fantasy IV, or the Necromancer from Diablo II, among many others. In the Japanese version his voice is represented by Masafumi Kimura, who has done roles like Tenken from Bleach.
Next up, Reinhilde.

Angrboða, the mother of Hel and Fenrir.
Angrboda's Allure is the cheapest Plume skill at 50 AP, and Poisons all non-immune foes. For all the harping I've done on Poison this is actually a really good skill - faraway opponents will continue to lose health as you slowly make their way to them, afterwhich they'll be ripe for the picking of easy Sin. Bosses are immune to it, but overall it's cheap and effective, especially on maps with lots of enemies. Keep in mind that things like undead and mechanical constructs are immune to Poison.


Reinhilde Voice Collection
In English, Reinhilde is voiced by Melodee Spevack. She's done roles like Empress Alexandra in Shadow Hearts: Covenant and Misae Ikari from Paranoia Agent, and somewhat amusingly she also plays a character named Queen Angerboda in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. Her Japanese VA is Atsuko Tanaka, probably best known for Lara Croft, but also as Ultimecia in Dissidia Final Fantasy and Konan from Naruto.
And here's the reverse sequence.


Was there any doubt that Auguste was amazing?