Part 30: C Ending (2)
There are just a few adjustments to be made here.

Wylfred automatically equips the Angel Slayer. It might not be the earth-shattering postgame weapon it was in the past two games, but it's still certainly extremely impressive - at 250 ATK and three attacks, it has easily the best ATK of any maingame weapon. Wylfred is the only character that can equip it.

In a bit of a mocking joke, Helgi's Sword is actually better. It might have only 200 ATK compared to the Angel Slayer's 250, but if you tack on the 50% Darkness boost, it essentially has an ATK of 300.
Oh, and Valkyrie is also weak to Darkness. It's funny, really.

There is no Sin quota for the final battle, so we can put our third Power Bangle to use here, as well.

Rosea also equips the Caduceus. Look at that MAG, people. Look at it.

We also have access to the shop one last time, should we need it. Otherwise... I think we're ready.

As you might expect, anybody who Wylfred sacrifices, with the exception of Ancel, shows up in this battle. They all have three attacks and their Soul Crush, with Sorcerers having a spell of the game's choosing (Rosea for instance uses Sacred Javelin). Some of them also have techniques - Auguste would have Fists of Iron. They're all spread out over the battlefield and won't approach you till you do so, so that's quite relaxed actually - you could skip most of them if you wanted. Gwendal is off to the far right, and Lockswell waits in the back beside Valkyrie.
One quick quirk is that if you sacrifice Reinhilde, she doesn't have her unique greater ATK as compared to Cheripha - they'll both have the same ATK here.

The first to fall, twice.

This theme plays for all the fights in this battle.
One disappointment for me is that none of the characters have quotes for fighting Wylfred again or in fact anybody you'd expect them to - Lockswell and Cheripha don't bat an eye if they're fighting each other. They might as well be palette swaps of generic enemies. Ah well.
I'll save you the trouble and say that Cheripha goes down as easily as you might expect her to.

Experience is generous enough to possibly gain a level here.

Meet your saintess, Duwain.

I could charge straight for Valkyrie now, but I decide to split up and go take out our other two old buddies.

Reinhilde smashes some bolts into Darius. Refreshing how fragile these guys seem now that we don't have to worry about Sin.

Amusingly she then blocks everything Darius throws at him.

Wylfred is certainly making good use of that Power Bangle.

Meanwhile, Rosea serves Gwendal his drink on the rocks.

Holy crap, Rosea. That's almost 5000 damage off an Enlightenment boosted hit.

In case you're wondering, yes, you can fight Valkyrie after having sacrificed everybody. The old companions here don't put up much of a fight, as you see. So that leaves Valkyrie (who is certainly possible to beat solo).

Valkyrie waits in the back, and she's a Swordswoman. As you might expect, she has lots of health, but she actually doesn't really hit that much harder compared to Kristoff or Roienburg - her attacks have better multipliers, but that's it. She has First Aid, and what seems to be Diminish Missile. Her attack is Holy-elemental, and she resists Holy and is weak to Dark.

Reinhilde gets in a few potshots.

Wylfred and Auguste circle around the ruins to attack Lockswell, and he sets Auguste on fire, unimpressively.

Lockswell (and any other Sorcerers Valkyrie might have on her side) is probably the biggest threat to a Wylfred solo battle here. This is because aside from the fact they have Heal and Normalize (to neutralize Agrnboda's Allure) and give Valkyrie a second joined strike against Wylfred, but their spells can also Freeze/Paralyze/Stun him, which is bad, especially if he's using Defiance, which increases the chance of status effects. It might be worth using a Nectar Potion here if you're doing this solo.

Valkyrie hits fairly hard, but it's not too difficult to weaken her damage if you come prepared - the Mirror Plate cuts her damage by 50%, and the Cloak of Britannia by 90%. Like any other enemy, she's still susceptible to things like Sap Power and Sap Guard.
Oh, of course she has her Soul Crush.

Valkyrie Soul Crush

One revive later, and we are ready to do this. Wylfred Vali's Awakenings up...

...and Rosea Might Reinforces him.

Now that's what I'm talking about.
For those fighting Valkyrie solo, Baldr's Pact (from Darius) and Fury of the Aesir (from Auguste) both work fantastically against Valkyrie. Baldr's Pact doesn't block Niebelung Valesti, but it helps the killing process.

Can we bring down over 50k health in one combo?

{Hey, how is Wylfred throwing the feather for his Soul Crush if it turned into the Angel Slayer?)

Yes, yes we can.
Next time: So Hel must have known using the Plume gave the Valkyrie Einherjar... right?