Part 35: Chapter 3B (1)
This conversation is exactly the same as it plays out in
the C path; in fact, all the visits to Tourque are, except for Wyl's updated portrait in the C paths.

You appear troubled, Sister.

It passed as quickly as it came. A strange aura emanating from Midgard - something unfamiliar, something dark.

Perhaps the undead rise against us once more?

What it is I don't know, but the work of the undead I know it is not.

Likely it shall pass, but best I keep a closer watch on Midgard to be safe.

I fear you crown me too soon.

The coronation is mere matter of ceremony. As son of the queen consort, born duly of wedlock, the crown is Your Majesty's by right.

Nevertheless... My father's bones are still fresh in the ground, his passing still new in my mind.

Your Majesty's mind mustn't be preoccupied with such thoughts.

There can be no doubt. The serf rebellion was orchestrated by agents of Villnore at Prince Langrey's behest.


Remember, however, that Crell Monferaigne has promised unwavering allegiance to Your Majesty.

As rightful heir to the throne, Your Majesty needn't worry about a thing. Rest assured, all will be settled in time.

Dispatch a messenger to my brother at once.

A messenger, sire?

We must be absolutely certain. Ask whether Langrey intends to usurp my reign.

With all due respect, Your Majesty, you cannot honestly expect Prince Langrey to be forthcoming.

I'd rather be the naive fool who asks than the warmonger who did not.
Something I never brought up before, but we actually have a Key Items tab, and Wylfred does have a separate sword that's left by Thyodor - the same one referred to by Duwain in Chapter 3C. Anyway.

Something stirs...

A large explosion and the screen flashes white.

You... saved me?

So the spell was your doing?

The legendary Lieselotte, at your service. You may call me Liese. What shall I call you?

I am Wylfred.


My, that's a lovely blade you carry on your belt, Wyl. Let me see it.


Oh, come now. Be a sport, show a little gratitude. I did save your life, after all.

Ingrate! What sort of excuse is that!? What would remain of you if not for me?

I thank you for the help, but I cannot hand you the sword.

I only wanted to look at it! Of all the thankless, ungrateful, miserly-


Well, if that is the way we're going to be, there is no use in squabbling. Til next we meet!

Master Wylfred, your sword! It is gone!


That girl no doubt took it from you.

The cutpurse!
...Huh. It really is gone.

Your gratitude is all the compensation I require. Is anyone else in need of attention?

A miracle indeed. You wield potent magic.

I am in no such need, though you might otherwise aid me.

I seek a young sorceress I believe may have passed through here. Her magic is powerful, like yours.

I do not recall encountering such a person, but perhaps if you told me her name?

She introduced herself as "Liese." I recall it being short for Lieselotte.

You know of her?

I suppose you could say so. Why do you search for her?

She stole the sword of my father. Though of little value, the weapon is all I have left of him.

This is terrible! I shudder to think what has become of her since she was banished from the royal court.

The royal court?

Liese was once a colleague of mine. As court magi of Artolia, we worked hand-in-hand for the good of the realm.

That is until the murd- until -circumstances- forced us out. Last I knew, she had taken refuge in Crell Monferaigne.

Thus I am truly dismayed to hear of this theft. I can only imagine what sordidness has brought her to it.


If you are intent on finding her, would you mind terrible if I were to accompany you?


Though my tenure of court is ended, my commitment to the people of Artolia remains unchanged.

Thus if Lieselotte hatches some wicked subterfuge, it is my duty to thwart it.

You state your reasons well enough. I have no cause to refuse.

I thank you for your grace.
Huh. Welcome back to the team, Rosea.