Part 38: Chapter 3B (4)
Well.. we've kind of lost Rosea, and got a new guest in her place.
Lieselotte is essentially the opposite of Rosea in a few ways - while Rosea used the knockdown Sacred Javelin, Lieselotte uses the launcher Fire Storm. Sadly for her Sacred Javelin is much more useful.

Which is kind of more aggravating when you go through her spell list and realize she has a better spell in Lightning Bolt. but we can't even set it for our attack spell. Guests!
Lieselotte is obviously offensive-themed where Rosea was defensive, starting with both Might and Spell Reinforce instead of Rosea's Guard Reinforce/Heal/Normalize. She also has Reflect Sorcery, a spell normally not available til Chapter V.

Finally, Liese has her own siege technique - Meditation raises MAG, but lowers sorcerers' RST. This, well, only benefits sorcerers, so only Liese herself and Lockswell if you still have him. Conversely, it's only detrimental if you're fighting Sorcerers, and even then Liese knows Reflect Sorcery. So as far as sieges go, there are certainly worse out there.

Cheripha's earned herself a break, I think.

At first glance the map looks scary - you're surrounded on all sides by enemies that immediately move towards you, and you can have Archers and Sorcerers unleashing multiple attacks in a hurry. The main solution is to quickly move to the south side - the north side has mostly Warriors and will take a few rounds getting to you. Because of the cramped corners, Cheripha isn't quite as useful here.

This Sorcerer is first. He uses Lightning Bolt, but luckily he doesn't have a Soul Crush.

Natalia's damage isn't off the charts, but it's going pretty well. Her main flaw is really not being able to partake in sieges as much as Cheripha can to make up for her lower damage.

Liese Might Reinforces Earnest. I've given him the Holy Halberd so that he has three attacks.

Everyone's in a good position.

The Swordswoman probably hits the hardest of all the enemies here. The Warriors hit quite hard too but they're easy enough to snipe and surround down before they really have a chance to do lots of damage.

Fire Storm isn't actually the weakest spell (Poison Blow is, when you take into consideration everything), but there are really very few reasons to willingly use it, even if enemies are weak to Fire.

Not really the most elegant series of attacks, but I don't really have the patience to get crystals off Fire Storm here, so I leave it for last like in the first battle of Camille.

We've already seen her Soul Crush from last battle, though I almost wish I didn't kill an enemy with Ifrit Caress because her line when she doesn't kill an enemy is delicious.

The Archer is the last enemy on this side - the north side is also closing in on us.

It's actually quite easy to close in on this guy - a reminder why Cheripha isn't so good here. Not that she's unusable, it's just that a Sorcerer or Lancer works almost just as well.

Next turn, the enemies start reaching us, and the Warrior does a nasty number on Liese, so I pop a potion on her. Things are easing up a bit now, with only four enemies left and most of them melee.

I mean, it's the only time I'll really see Ifrit Caress.

The Swordswoman is next. The enemies on this map are pretty magic weak - the Warriors have about 50 RST and the Swordswomen have 100.

Max Sin on everyone so far. Doing well!

I also get in one last potshot on the Warrior before the enemy's turn.

Okay, so I didn't mean to counterattack! I was going to skip it with Start but my trigger-finger pressed his attack button and bam.

I don't see why you're celebrating. He had 5% health left! Well, I just need to get max Sin on the last enemy, easy enough.

But hey, never hurts to be safe.

I mean, really safe.

Say hi to your friends when you see them again!

Just made it, too. Considering I didn't get to save after the boss fight with Liese I've just been squeaking by on Sin counts.

Diminish Missile and Crystal Call are good, the rest are ehhh. I guess Encirclement is nice for Natalia.

Explosion and the screen flashes white.


Age: 18
Gender: Female
Homeland: Artolia
Height: 158cm
Weight: 48kg
Bust/Waist/Hip: 85/59/85
The daughter of struggling street peddlers, Lieselotte learned to con and steal before she could read or write. Ironically, it was while attempting to defraud a man who happened to be a court chronicler that her life took a turn for the better. The chronicler, enamored instantly by the girl's charm, took her under his wing and brought her into the palace, where the court archimagus, Cennair, would later unearth her innate talents for spellcraft.
Liselotte ascended to the rank of court magus before a nefarious incident resulted in her banishment and left her to wander aimlessly, seeking whatever work that came her way.

Lieselotte official render.