Part 39: Chapter 2 (Camille) Sacrifices
Chapter 2 (Camille) SacrificesLadies first, shall we?

Hervor, daughter of Angantyr.
Hervor's Favor cuts RDM of all opponents by 50% for three rounds, costing 80 AP. Honestly, a bad skill - Sap Guard does the same thing on one enemy for 30 AP, and it's rare that you'll even need the effect multiple times anyway. The only enemies that Sap Guard are even really worth on are high RDM enemies like Living Armor and bosses, and you might as well cast Sap Guard or Might/Spell Reinforce anyway.


Natalia Voice Collection
Natalia is voiced by Atsuko Tanaka in Japanese, who has quite a bit of work under her belt, among them Ultimecia from Dissidia Final Fantasy, as well as Hrist and Leone in Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria. In English she's done by Gina Grad, who played Celes, Tyrith, Arcana and Sophalla in Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria, as well as Rose in Street Fighter IV.

Dvergar, the dwarves.
Hoard of the Dvergar increases gems generated during combos for three rounds for 80 AP. It's hard to exactly quantify how useful it is since there is a bit of a random element to it, and you need to be able to faze the enemy. It's still a substantial damage boost especially in Trinity Fork or Grand Cross formations, so far as Plume skills go you could certainly do worse.


Earnest Voice Collection
Another character where we only know their Japanese VA: Takanori Hoshino, who was Honest in Yu-Gi-Oh and Ivan in Digimon Savers.
And here are the reversed scenes.
