Part 40: Chapter 4B (1)

How can that be? What warrants such a pronouncement?

I must speak with the margrave. Summon Lord Roienburg at once.

I regret to inform Your Majesty that we have lost all contact with the margrave. Even were we able to reach him-

He has already turned his back on me to side with my brother?

So it would seem, my liege.

My father would weep were he to see his sons wage war for the crown. I shall renounce my claim!

Your Majesty grieves deeply, and rightfully so, but surrender shall bring no peace.

There is but one choice - to answer the call to arms!

My king! I await your royal decree.

Alas, if there is but one choice, then there is no decision to be made.

Verily the wisdom of a king. Take heart, my liege, victory beckons!
This scene is the same as well, so let's skip past it.

So you sense it as well?

The shadow over Midgard looms larger by day.

Yet still I know not the nature of its presence, save that it is unwelcome.

What is to be done?

Nothing, for the time being. Should it prove a threat, however, I will not hesitate to dispatch with it.

Perhaps that is best.

Your Majesty! The lines are formed, the men prepared to march. We await your orders.

Am I to send my people to die for a crown I do not want?

It is the will of the people Your Highness must consider!

Envision their suffering under the tyrant Prince Langrey, who seeks to rule by force rather than diplomacy.

He has brought us to this. There can be no turning back!

What would the men think were they to see such reluctance from their leader? It is resilience you must show, Your Highness.

Of what wrongdoing can we be found guilty? Does not justice reward those who defend it?

I suppose I can no longer turn a blind eye to Langrey's despotism.

You must stand and face him, my liege.

Indeed, I shall.

Ironic it should come to this when both he and I hold Artolia so close to our hearts.

Do you speak to me, sire?

I say to them this - let all who trespass upon our lands be buried under them!

(I fear they will not be buried alone...)
We have a battle right at the start of the chapter. If you didn't shop before fighting Lieselotte in Chapter 3B, you won't have any spells or Dash for her. Fortunately, I've planned ahead and stockpiled copies of Heal, Guard Reinforce, Frigid Damsel and Dash for her.
Alright, let's rock.
While not too tough a map, we haven't had the chance to upgrade armour and so enemies will be hitting harder than we're expected to. The battle ends when we defeat the leader, so it's actually possible to accidentally end it too early and not get that double Sin.
We have a Rogue, Warrior, Archer, Sorcerer and Swordsman to contend with. The Swordsman is the leader and will start approaching us from the get-go. There's lava on the map as well, and while the Safety Boots protect us from the movement penalty we'll still take the minor damage from ending a turn on it.
A few of the enemies are Mercenaries, which mean they're resistant to Fire but weak to Ice. A good move would be to switch Wylfred from the Flame Pallasch to the Frostbane and Liese from Fire Storm to Frigid Damsel.
One down!
As said, enemies hit hard - not enough to kill when we're at full health, but enough that we should be mindful of it.
We chip at the Archer and he nearly kills Cheripha.
Liese buffs herself up, and we go to town.
The Swordsman Guard Reinforces the Sorceress. He's clearly beelining for Cheripha, so I want to divert him away from it.
This should do the trick. I could kill him now, but that means I won't have double Sin, so I'll just have to inch closer to the Sorceress through the lava.
Hey! You're not supposed to do that!
I guess maybe he's immune to the Provoke effect of Vali's or something.
While moving to revive Cheripha, I decide to pan the angle and realize to my annoyance the Warrior is all the way up there. The game playing with its elevation angles can be frustrating at times.
For some reason, it just feels odd for Liese to be using Frigid Damsel, maybe because she's so associated with Fire.
Anyway, we kill the Sorceress and all is well again.
I have nothing better to do so I have Liese snipe down the Warrior. I could just go and kill the Swordsman next turn anyway.
He actually does come down close enough that I can hit both of them in a single turn, so that's just more experience then.
Maybe someday I'll find a use for this. Probably not.
The Tiara is the only notable reward, and we have three females that can make use of it. Reduce Magic is also nice.

If you can hear me, Brother, open your eyes!

(The battle is won, but the day lost for Lord Valmur and his clan.)

It is harrowing for a leader to lose any man. For that man to be kin must be devastating.

(Indeed. The valkyrie visits our midst.)

You say she is here? Take me to her.

(But Master Wylfred, why do you not look upon her for yourself?)

I beg you desist, sire! Your present might will not suffice against that of the valkyrie.

I will see her slain!

Brother, there! On his chest!

The mark of the valkyrie. Nicolas has been chosen, his soul escorted to Valhalla...


The fighting is ended. Claim your spoils for the day, return to the citadel, and collect your due.
