The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume

by ApplesandOranges

Part 44: Chapter 3B Sacrifice

Chapter 3B Sacrifice

Just a single one today.

Kvasir, born of the gods' saliva.

Kvasir's Mead is like Auguste's skill, nullifying all damage from a certain source - in this case, magic. Far less useful though, since only about 10% of enemies are Sorcerers. Even on the few occasions that you do, one can always Reflect/Prevent Sorcery - generally not worth giving up a Sorceress for.

I've never felt this way before!



I do not...fear death... only loneliness...

Lieselotte Voice Collection

Lieselotte's English VA is unknown; in Japanese she's voiced by Shiho Hisajima, who hasn't done too much, though she played a few roles in MAJOR. Not as good of a fit as her English voice, though.

Like Rosea, Lieselotte has an unused voice clip that plays at 2:40. Curious...