Part 46: Chapter 5B (2)

You guys voted in Valmur and Phiona, with Natalia winning the backup poll. Hey, lots of crystals and our best damage dealer, so I'm not complaining.

Filler filler filler. Enemies are pretty weak here and most of the Sin rewards aren't even that good. More of an annoyance than anything due to the convoluted map.

I also picked up Dash for Valmur. Carrion Wolves are the main enemy here. You can pick up Wind Gloves from the shops for Natalia and any Archers or Sorcerers, which resist their Lightning-elemental attack, but it's no must.

Enemies are also relatively more docile on this map - you have to actively seek some of them out.

The Griffin is the new enemy here. Resists Ice and has a frost breath attack that can induce Freeze, and obviously flies. Since it's a bird, Natalia's Ravenbrand deals extra damage to it. Decent stats, but nothing too dangerous.

Valmur lures down the Wolf on the other side (who stays docile otherwise). It comes down to attack him while the rest are on the other side.

So Valmur Dashes away to lure it to the rest of the party. Since Dash allows even the slowest unit to move six tiles, you can outpace almost any enemy to lure them around as long as you have enough AP.

There is one more Carrion Wolf on the next tier, and Liese lures it over.

Buffs herself up while we wait for them to come to us.

Sorcerers are really crazy good, despite not being able to rack up gems, and Liese is the best out of the storyline ones because she can increase her damage output with Meditation. Coupled with their great weapons and amazing support options and range and they're probably one of the best classes to have around.

Despite its random triggering, Enlightenment also really amps up the damage, especially backed up by a Spell Reinforce as well.

And why stop with Spell Reinforce?

The Mimetic Flower is new and is the strongest Flower. Otherwise, it has all its usual tricks - resists Earth, has a poison breath, and a scream that can induce faze. Otherwise, nothing we haven't seen before.

The Griffin also comes down.

Bless you Valmur and your crazy crystals.

Just to make sure, I also Might Reinforce Wylfred. Incidentally, despite his low multipliers, Valmur is a great choice for Might Reinforce because of how many attacks he can get in on a fazed enemy. Just a pity we can't get him an Othinus' Bow without a New Game+.

Honestly, I have no idea why the Griffin drops the Raptor Claws here - it's impossible to get Auguste on this path. Who knows?

The Kobold Knight is the last enemy here, and we have to lure him over.



YES. Triple digit hit count!

Just to clarify, Valmur was responsible for 58 out of those 110 hits. I can't imagine how much more he'd have gotten if it was a Trinity Fork and/or we had Hoard of the Dvergar.

The Valiant Helm is a nice headpiece for Wylfred, though the REAL reward is Crystal Call for 150% Sin. We might also find use for Reduce Magic.

The game having characters start some sentences with small letters bugs me sometimes.


First things first. Here you go, Valmur.

Phiona also gets Transpose. Since we have a final party ready, I also set them up with Fists of Iron, First Aid, and Diminish Missiles.



Urrrgh Wintergard.

An annoying map. The enemy leader is an Archer in the opposite corner, and there are two Swordswomen, a Sorceress, two Lizard Knights and two upgraded forms of old enemies here to join him. There's lots of snow, we only have one pair of Safety Boots, and three out of our four members have a movement rate of three, which is reduced to one in the snow.
I don't like Wintergard.

I give Phiona the Safety Boots. She needs the range more than anyone else here.

Sin quota is slightly strict since there are eight enemies and 200% Sin needs 700, but there isn't a desperate need to get double Sin here, and enemies aren't that hard to fully Overkill.

Swordswoman two is next. The good news is that enemies (or at least, human enemies) are also affected by snow, and they don't have the luxury of Dash.

I don't think I need these anymore. Maybe if I was using Earnest, but he got outvoted, or rather, House Haughn stole all the votes.

Noble Vampires are the strongest Vampire. They have good health and very high attacking stats, though luckily they can't capitalize on gems since the red orb attack is considered magical.

They're weak to Holy, but have enough defenses to shrug most attacks off unless backed up by Reinforces.

The Soul of Tears here is the strongest Ghost. It hits hard and has three attacks, and resists Lightning and Darkness. Its attacks are Fire in nature, so mail wearers can stunt its damage with Flame Armor, which is buyable in shops. Still vulnerable to Suspend Motion, anyway.

The first time I played this map for real, it stuttered and froze on the second to last enemy. I almost didn't have the will to play it again. I did get better luck with crystals the second time round though.

Yikes. The Tiara of the Holy Empress comes with a 20% vulnerability to Dark, so those wearing one take extra damage from Darkness attacks. Phiona doesn't have it equipped, but it still stings.

She gives almost as good as she gets though.

One aggravating part of this map is the map and its enemies are split in two directions you can take to reach the leader, and enemies won't move till you get close. So you have to either go to one end, defeat the enemies and then go to the other, or take a loop around and avoid killing the Archer so you can get maximum Sin and experience.

Meanwhile, Valmur ducks away from the Sorceress' attack. She uses Poison Blow and can use a Soul Crush, so that's kinda dangerous.

Then again, this is oddly satisfying.
Lots of dashing later-

The Mithril Crown has the best armour of the crowns, so Valmur happily takes it.

LOTS of Dashing later...

The Archer is annoyingly sandwiched between the two Lizards. If you've gotten maximum Sin so far, you can just leave the last Lizard alone if you can fully Overkill both of them.

Diminish Missile cuts his damage down to negligible levels.

Anyway, we kill him and a Lizard and get that maximum Sin already.

The Bronllavyn is a knife - compared to the Carnwennan's 140 ATK, its 95 ATK seems weak, even with three attacks. The big bonus though is that it has a massive 50% Ice Boost, allowing it to just barely outdamage the Carnwenann, especially as more enemies near the end start to resist Holy. It means having to use Dawnstar Rising, so it can be fairly hit or miss. The prize we're more interested in is the Arondight, which we get for 150% Sin. With a massive 150 ATK and three attacks, it's an excellent weapon for Swordsmen, and also has an extra bonus - it deals increased damage to females. Wylfred immediately equips it, because he's a lady(valkyrie)killer.

Same Roienburg, more annoying map. Kristoff 'helps' us here. He's strong and can pick up gems by himself with his combo, but being a Warrior on the map means we'll easily leave him in the dust. Roienburg immediately starts moving towards us, so we don't have that much time. Roienburg resists Holy and his Mercenary soldiers are weak to Ice, so Frigid Damsel is the better option here.

Then again, it is Roienburg. He's a tough cookie. I mean... we can't really afford to lose here, can we?

That's hilarious, they think Sapping Earnest's Guard will make him easier to kill.

Wylfred takes a Queenpin's health from full to this. The Arondight is seriously powerful against women.

Kristoff is a tough cookie, but...

Roienburg is absolutely ridiculous. He does 16 hits without any gems, and with his Soul Crush he does 41 in total, just by himself.

It's okay, it's not plot death.

For those who want to do this fight legitimately, there isn't much room for Sin error - if you fully Overkill every other enemy on the map you'll have enough, but it also means leaving Roienburg around wreaking havoc while you run around collecting Sin, including a Sorcerer that hides way in the back. Roienburg also has Body of Steel and is difficult to fully Overkill, so using the Plume here is completely understandable.

Goodbye, Lord Rainbow.

Few rewards but they're all fantastic. The Mirror Plate is Wylfred's best armour for 200% Sin, and Phiona will enjoy the Caliburn for 150%. Despite a fairly big loss in power from the Elemental Edge, having three attacks and greater potential for gems will help offset it. The Power Bangle is a base reward, and as one can imagine is amazing. Phiona gets it if she's using the Elemental Edge, but otherwise Wylfred is a far better user because of the sheer power of the Arondight.
