Part 50: B Ending (1)

The cutscene is the same as in the C version. Watch it again here if you want.


Once again, Wylfred has the Angel Slayer. We don't have Helgi's Sword, so it really is his best weapon.

Hey, it's not like we need money for anything else.

Let's rock.

Similar fight to the C path, but Valkyrie now has generic Einherjar instead of our dead allies now, likely because you can get to the B ending having only sacrificed one character. They're really nothing special compared to some of the other human units we've been fighting. She has the same stats and is still resistant to Holy, so Liese is going Frigid Damsel.

On one hand, chances are you'll be fighting more enemies here. On the other hand, there isn't anything as hard as in some of the fights in Aidelrave, plus the map is quite big, giving you time for a breather. We don't have to worry about Sin either, so we can just get enough damage to kill things.

To clarify, sacrificing three or more characters in chapter 5B lands you in the C ending. Sacrificing one character while on Chapters 3B or 4B gets you on the C path as well, and more than one in those chapters gets you Freya.
Which, yes, is the reason Natalia is safe.

It's actually kind of funny because due to how the game mechanics work, you can get to the B ending having sacrificed seven characters, and Wylfred shows a bit more remorse as compared to getting to the C ending with only two.
Also Divine Arrow looks awful magnified like that.

Enemies give lots of experience here, in time for some last few level-ups.

Despite what you might think, the Einherjar aren't even resistant to Holy. Maybe Valhalla isn't all it's cracked up to be. Some of them do have Fists of Iron, at least.

The game seems to never get tired of that.

Even Einherjar Archers are useless before Diminish Missile.

The Sorcerers here use Lightning Bolt. And Reflect Sorcery is still a little amusing.

The Sorcerers also know Heal and Normalize, aside from their usual menu spells, same as those on the C path. Probably so you can't cheese them with Angrboda's Allure. Heal is pesky enough you'll want to make sure the Sorcerers are out of the way at least.

Might as well kill everything here.

She has the exact same stats here, with one minor difference to the fight.

The Cloak of Britannia and Tiara of the Holy Empress make her damage negligible really. As well as the Mirror Plate.

The slight twist to the fight is that the battle ends once you knock her down to half life. You can kill her if you can (the C path shows it's possible to almost 100% her), but the only difference is that 60,000 exp you get from the fight.

Sadly it is not to be this time - a slight mistime with Frigid Damsel leads to her surviving.

Oh sure, rub salt in the wound.

She can't even kill Wylfred with Niebelung Valesti with her retaliation. The AI is really bad at using Valkyrie's attacks.
In any case, the screen fades after you get her down to half life or less.

Go watch it here.

Next time: sins of the son.