Part 52: B Ending (End)

It was you I sought to avenge, you I vowed to redeem! And now I am your killer...

Go, Wyl... Return... home...

What home is left for me? A house of poverty and despair, of Elsie's ashes and Mother's madness!

All the more reason you must return. You must see life for what it is, my son. Live not for what was, but what is to be.

Father, it is too late for me. I pray you remember me as the loyal son I once was.



Wylfred, Son, hear my words... No matter what ill befalls you...!

I am afraid not. The covenant demanded a soul, and your minion offered his. The rest you may inquire of his son.

The covenant binds. Intervene in the affairs of Niflheim, and I fear Mistress Hel would have little choice but to wage war on Asgard.


Now you see the error of your ways.

And what am I to do?

Heed your father's words. I can accompany you no longer.

The trials Fate's hand has wrought, and the wrongs mine own has wrought. Accepting what I have done, I see what I must do.
Same old, etc.

Ever does Hel test me with her threats. We are fortunate to come away less only one einherjar. It is a small price to pay.

Yet I fear Lenneth's faith wanes as a result. She questions whether she is at fault for what has transpired.

Think you this guilt will keep her from her task?

I am afraid so. Best we had set her spirit to rest for the time being.

But no god can know the mortal heart as well as the valkyrie, who walks among them.

In both Lenneth and Silmeria, it has proven a liability.


I trust you will understand, Freya. It is for both their sake and ours.

As you command.
And that concludes the B route. Maybe we'll get things right next time? Next we'll embark on the A route, where our task is simple - never use the Plume (except on poor Ancel). We'll begin our task by returning where it all began -
Aullewyn Keep.