Part 56: Chapter 3A (1)




1. exigent state or character; urgency.

a man of royal blood; a prince.

And thus we come full cycle. I don't know, this was one of the Ye Olde English bits that really stuck out for me.


Well that might have been record for a new Guest. Let's see what we've got!

Our last unique member in the main game, Ushio is the only representative of the Samurai class. He has a movement of five, but unlike Natalia and Auguste, Ushio actually can attack diagonally, like a Swordsman or Warrior. He also has balanced stats and quite high AVD, making him essentially a more mobile Swordsman. He begins with three attacks and no Soul Crush, but his default weapon gives him increased damage to fishes and lizardmen.

Equipment wise, it's kind of odd. Ushio uses katanas as his weapon and light armour like a Sorcerer or Archer, but wears metal gloves and greaves like a Warrior or Lancer. Slightly bafflingly, he can't wear head armour. Maybe he wants to keep that hair slicked back? The Kinagashi (65 RDM, 15 AVD) is also unigue to him.

Somewhat frustratingly, Ushio's attacks are awkward at best and cumbersome at worst. His damage is actually quite good, with his multipliers being on par with Phiona's, but stringing his attacks together is tricky. Flashblade is strong and Shadowslash is unblockable, but both are slow to execute out of sieges and Shadowslash has a low hitbox. Steelwing is his major drawback, as it launches high and fast, making it difficult to follow up on. Even Frigid Damsel might miss unless you juggle the opponent quickly after it. He has potential, but it needs to be carefully worked with.

Finally, Ushio has our last siege technique. Virtuousity lowers his blocking rate, which isn't a major deal, and increases the activation rate of abilities. This includes those such as:
- Enlightenment
- Fists of Iron
- Body of Steel
- Resist Magic
- First Aid
- Grave Blessing
- Survival
- Magic Mail
So it's actually a decent list, it's just hard to quantify how good it is because you never know if an ability activating would be because of Virtuousity or not. The first four can't happen concurrently, so only one of those will activate at any given point. Long story short, there's really no harm in keeping it on.

I would show off Mischka, but we still don't have any good weapons for him as Aullewyn Keep is the only Chapter II scenario where we don't get the Elemental Edge. Next time though.

A short and easy battle with only four enemies. The rest of this chapter is a pain and a half, so don't get too comfortable.

There are two Hellhounds right in front, with a Lizard Man and a Fire Bat waiting on the roof, docile.

Let's see what you can do.

I got a little lucky with this one, but Ushio also having a launcher in an awkward position is tricky. The best thing one can really do is to either time Wylfred's Double Cross to juggle with it, or use a combination of Wylfred's Open Slash and Ushio's Flashblade to keep it in place long enough for Frigid Damsel to hit just as Ushio launches it.

Windburn is pretty good for gems.

Sometimes sieges are bad because the rhythm you had for juggling attacks is suddenly thrown off.

Windburn is also pretty good for crystals. Its range isn't amazing but one can time it with Double Cross to hold the enemy in place.

I try to have Lockswell lure the bat down and he ends up freezing it instead. Whoops. It is weak to Ice, incidentally.


The Lizard Man does hit quite hard but it's still manageable.

Sin quota sounds tricky with 340 Sin for 200% and four enemies but considering Aullewyn Keep it's actually a breather.

Well the bat isn't going anywhere for a while so we might as well go to it.

Valmur? Auguste? Pssh, we can get crystals without them.

Transposition is the only thing of real use here. Elixirs are nice but that's it really.

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Homeland: Wakoku
Height: 175cm
Weight: 67kg
Native to a distant land who washed ashore on Artolian soil as a child after his ship was lost to a storm at sea. There he was rescued by the court archimagus Cennair, who had merely gone to survey the area. Relations did not at that time exist between Artolia and the Yamato, and so there was no way to return Ushio to his homeland. Sir Cennair successfully convinced all involved that the boy's welfare would best be served if he himself were to raise him, and so it came to pass.
On reaching his fifteenth year, per Yamato tradtion, Ushio left Sir Cennair's ward to set forth on a swordwalk.

Ushio official render.
Next time: the most infamous map in the game?