Part 61: Chapter 4A (1)

Amid the perils of combat lie great opportunity.

It may behoove the master to invoke the Destiny Plume in the battles ahead.

I fear that revenge against the Battle Maiden shall be most difficult to exact should you not.

Fear not for my sake.

If there is any way I might serve you, sire, I pray you do not hesitate to call me.

I'll remember that.

Your demeanor hints you are still haunted by indecision, Your Lordship.

Indecision will fade as war dawns. What I do not decide will be decided for me.

Yet the choice is moot. Whether it is Langrey or Kristoff who triumphs, Artolia will be brought to its knees all the same.

So apparent is their subterfuge, I long anticipated prudence would prevail, but it appears pride and provocation were too great.

The predators will not hesitate to pounce at the first sign of weakness. If Your Lordship does not act, there may be nothing left to salvage.

Why do you say?

I have been remiss, and allowed you to forget the sins you must commit.

I assure you, I have not forgotten.

Your loyalty and compassion are admirable, sire, but little good shall they serve you versus the Battle Maiden, I fear.

I realize what must be done to slay the valkyrie...

I pray you find the strength, Master.

Strength shall come with experience. Come, I shall seek mercenary work.
Alright, new chapter, but before we do any shopping, there's a scene to be seen once we step foot into town.

The princes build their throne upon the graves of peasant sons and daughters. Dire times are these for the common folk.

And prosperous times for men of fortune, sire.

What do you know of me?

I know that you are a shameless rogue, the disseminator of a blasphemous lie, and a poisoner of honest minds.

Then you know nothing.

My proclamation is no less binding. Confess your deceit now and you might still enjoy the lenience of lashes.

I am guilty of no deception.

If you would compound your crimes with further lies, so be it. Offer proof of your claims, or be executed a heretic.


Halt, grant me audience. Surely, you will concede that from my perspective the notion did sound a tad absurd.

Your inquisition is absurd, and your "perspective" irrelevant. You have wasted enough of my time.

Of course, how very vulgar of me. Allow me to make amends at the royal court.

That is quite an invitation.

And one I believe you shall find worthy of your while. In fact, I insist you attend!

I suppose I have no choice, then.

You have my ear.

You are no doubt familiar with the ascension crisis that plagues the land, turning the kingdom in upon itself.

I am.

Then you must also notice the foreign hordes that peer across our porous borders, poised to strike at a moment's notice.

Under sun and moon, in open and in private, I and my lord have strived to stem this tragic sibling rivalry.

The son of an einherjar, your voice will carry from the hollow to the peaks a birdsong of peace.

You exaggerate.

Quite the contrary - it is you who misestimate.

House Haughn holds much sway, enough indeed to bring this war to a close, and yet they remain stagnant!

They resign their house to a fate of ruin, and and thus the entire kingdom along with it!

What would you care to know of him?

You are not the first court magus I have encountered on my travels. I believe you are acquainted with Rosea and Lieselotte?

I presume you are then unaware that Rosea had been dispatched by Margrave Roienburg when Lieselotte interposed.

That is most... regrettable.

Ready my things. I shall engage them at once.

Does not a magus belong at court?

Circumstances do not comply with the old ideals. Unless we forestall the demons' advance, there will be no Artolia, let alone a court.

Then I shall join you.
Wylfred leaves.