Part 62: Chapter 4A (2)

Fauxnel is... a Sorcerer. Which is quite a confusing choice for a new party member, as you might immediately pick up that we already have Lockswell. Despite Fauxnel's high starting level, if you've been using him consistently, Lockswell will likely be at least level 25 and have a good assortment of spells, including Sacred Javelin, which is available in this chapter. In fact, our Lockswell is only level 21 and still has more MAG than Fauxnel, thanks to a better weapon and the Magic Bangle.
Since Fauxnel's spell is Poison Blow, there is actually no reason to use him in this chapter unless you like him or you badly need a second Suspend Motion.

Fauxnel does have a decent spell list, including Suspend Motion as well as Dark Savior, the latter which we won't be able to pick up til next chapter. But he doesn't have Heal and is still stuck with the lackluster Poison Blow. Since he's also male (despite what you may believe), if you use Lockswell and not Fauxnel this chapter, the former will likely be equal to or exceed Fauxnel's level by the end, removing any real reason to use the latter over the former.

Back to shopping. We restock on Union Plumes, and get Estocs for Wylfred and Mireille. The other item of interest is the Wodao, Ushio's first real upgrade, with 105 ATK, two attacks and SC enabled, which we immediately pick up. This is also Ushio's only endgame weapon with two attacks, allowing him to skip Steelwing, which can be valuable to avoid dropping combos even when you get stronger weapons.

There are two optional battles, but I'll actually skim through both of them fairly quickly; there is almost nothing of note except some experience. The first battle (in the Liellahan Lowlands) doesn't even have any items to grab.

I'm going to preface this by saying my recording of this bit got corrupted, so videos of Ushio's and Fauxnel's Soul Crushes will have to wait. Ushio's SC will be in the next update, but Fauxnel's will only be available next chapter.

The first optional battle has an Elder Bat, two Ironfishes, and a Dragon. The Ironfishes hit hard but aside from that, everything else is old hat.

The second battle is marginally more interesting, only because it involves the horrible Wintergard.

I use Fauxnel here, but as a reminder I won't have his Soul Crush up. He just ended up being kinda dead weight here since he can only move one space in the snow.

The enemies here are Will-o'-the-Wisps and a Dragon. All enemies from last chapter as well, so it's pretty easy.

I don't have a GIF of it yet but Fauxnel's victory pose is him scattering rose petals around him.

I'd be more impressed if I was more impressed.

The only reason I spend more time on this map than the last one is to point out there's a hidden item here, which is a third (or second if you were unlucky with drops) pair of Safety Boots here, which is pretty valuable.

And while he might be just a little bit of a douche Fauxnel has some fantastic voice acting and lines.


Okay, actual plot battle time.

Back to the party that actually got voted in.

An easy battle after the terrible that was the last chapter. Weak enemies and a lax Sin quota.

Ushio dodges an attack from the Mandragora. Not that it would have mattered; they're dealing double digit damage at this point.

There's a little mud here, which does hamper movement, but it's such a minor part of the map that there's no pressing need to have on the Safety Boots.

There are a few Toxic Flowers here, which have more health than the Mandragoras but are otherwise quite harmless.

You know, I'm not sure why Mandragoras don't show up til Chapter IV. They're a chapter II enemy really.

Aside from the flowers, the only other enemy here is... yet another Dragon. That's the fourth Dragon on this route already.

Double Cross always looks really silly as a still.

We take out the Toxic Flower, and prepare to finish off the Dragon.

I almost miss the more interesting battles. Well that's not completely true; there's just less to talk about during filler.

It's almost like... they're trying to tell me something. About Dragons.
Anyway, if you're using Gwendal, he'll likely have the Elemental Edge, but if you're using Mischka, this is actually his best weapon so far and a badly needed upgrade. As a reminder, it has 115 ATK, two attacks, SC enabled, and deals bonus damage to Dragons.

And thus ends an anti-climatic battle.

You really only need 150% Sin to get more First Aid and Reduce Magic; the 200% Sin rewards aren't worth breaking your back for, but you can sell the Beast Bludgeon.

Back at the Crown City, we have another scene to view.

That's actually a more interesting perspective on Valmur's decision we haven't seen in the other two routes. While it would have likely still failed in the long run, for the very reasons Phiona puts forth in the other two routes, it suits Valmur's character to strive for peace and pacifism.
But where were we? We're not done yet.

A loud thud and slash.

Next time: Dammit Valmur.