Part 63: Chapter 4A (3)

As you might expect, Fauxnel's out of the party. Well that's fine, we weren't going to use him anyway.

You know, I hadn't done this map without a Sorcerer before this LP. Hoo boy.
Anyway, this is the last escort, and it's a doozy. The Sin quota might sound more lax than one would think (720 Sin for 200%, eight enemies), but it can actually be very easy to miss out on it if you're not careful and end up screwing combos. But let's talk about our escortee.

Valmur's on the other side of the map. He's unique in that he's the only escort who will move; he will run around the little cul-de-sac and trade attacks with the Living Armor, likely because neither of them can retaliate against each other. We can't leave him be for too long since the Noble Vampire will eventually take notice, so we have to get to him pronto.

And I do mean quickly; we're going to Dash as much as possible to him - a Swordsman and Brigand will go after us, but we're going to ignore them and only stop to take out a Swordsman and an Archer on the way, and even then we don't want to take any more than one or two rounds at most.

Valmur doesn't do a lot of damage, which is just as well since the last thing we'd want is him stealing any Sin. Expect the Armor to end up blocking a lot of his attempts, too.

Assuming there aren't any criticals flying about, Valmur can take six attacks from the Living Armor before the next one will do him in. This sounds quite generous compared to rescuing Reinhilde and Rosea, but you'll be surprised how long it takes to actually get to Valmur to heal him.

I'm not the least bit concerned about this anymore, we won't be taking hits enough for it to matter.

You have no idea how much easier it is to use Ushio without Steelwing.

Next up, the Swordsman.

Ushio Soul Crush
Giant Slayer is classic Ushio fare - above average multipliers and slightly disappointing hit count. Its Attack Gauge boost is only better than the twins' or Sorcerers', so it's best used first or last in a chain.

Valmur continues running around and trying to hit the Living Armor to little effect.

We Dash in close to the Noble Vampire. The annoying stairs past it are a roadblock that necessitate an extra turn or two to get to Valmur. This is where Lockswell comes in handy, since you can use Heal to replenish Valmur or Suspend Motion on either the vampire or the Living Armor. I don't have either, so I bunch everyone up in the hopes that the Vampire will cast a spell on us instead of Valmur.

No such luck, and Valmur is that much closer to dying. Well when in doubt, use Vali's Awakening.

The Noble Vampire is the biggest roadblock on this map, and one is likely to trip up on your Sin quota here without some form of Reinforce or Vali's.

Luckily, amped up Wylfred cares little of him (I... think it's a him.)

The Living Armor is still a concern, as Valmur is in critical health and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it in time to heal him with a potion.

Good news: it's affected by the Provoke effect of Vali's and tries to move towards Wylfred. Bad news: it's blocking the foot of the stairs and I've forgotten to teach Transposition to anyone.

So sneaky plan: I have Heugoe wail on it a little (with apparently some help on Valmur). Vali's ends this turn, so the Armor will move back to attack the more attractive target, Valmur, freeing the stairs and allowing me to move in.

Success! And not a turn too soon - if not for Vali's Valmur might already be dead.

Oh, I guess the Brigand is still trying to make its way over to us and throwing spells as well.

Ushio burns some AP to heal Valmur back to full, ensuring his safety.

The Armor is the second obstacle, as it could very well go blockhappy and stall your Sin efforts. Bring an unblockable attack or a spell if you want some insurance after making it this far.

I think we'll be okay.

This is now the stupidest bit of the map - cleaning up.

Valmur what are you doing, get back here.

For a guy who's kinda half-dead, you're doing a good job running around causing trouble.

Oh no, what a pickle we're in!

Okay, I lied.

Wait where are you going

I'll just whittle the Brigand down a little I guess.

Valmur stop, why are you suicidal.

...Yeah, sure go ahead and do that.

Wait where are YOU going? Come back here so I can finish you off!

Alright -fine-, I guess I'll just move everyone down the frigging stairs so Valmur doesn't get trapped on the stairs and die.

The Swordsman drops a Murasama - Ushio's first dropped weapon. It has 90 ATK, three attacks, SC enabled, and has a chance to inflict Curse while attacking. A fine weapon, but I'm hesitant to give up the Wodao just yet - Curse is nice but the Wodao makes Ushio much better for harvesting gems and boosting his damage, and not having to use Steelwing is a luxury.

Wait where are you going.

I'll kid you not, Valmur was running back and forth from one set of stairs to the other, while the Brigand was running all around, trying to approach Valmur. I was on Round 21 before Valmur cooperated, try to get up the stairs, luring the Brigand over just as everyone was waiting for him.

That's for wasting my time, idiot. And if I never see those stairs again it'll be too soon.

The last Brigand is actually idle and waits here patiently. I'd thank him for being so nice if I wasn't so far done with this map.


Ruin's Fate has 100 ATK, three attacks, and a 10% Darkness boost. I'll actually pass this to Mireille, who will prefer three attacks over Wylfred and could use any form of increased damage she can get her hands on. She can also make use of the Tiara of the Holy Empress. Other than that, more Diminish Missile is nice.

Flash of light.

Next time: throwdown!