Part 64: Chapter 4A (4)
Door slams.

We don't get a chance to save after that last battle, but luckily this is a very easy battle. The Sin quota is lax and Fauxnel will chill out in the back waiting for you to get close. This is also the smallest map in the game.

The Carrion Wolves are the most common enemy here. They're pretty generic Wolf fare though, and if you've grabbed some decent armour (Duel Armor for mail-wearers, Anointed Cloaks or the Elfin Talfetta for clothies and Ushio), you should be fine.

I think this was a critical, but otherwise we're doing alright. I've actually forgotten to equip First Aid on everyone for a while now.

I actually equipped the Murasama for this fight to try it out and to get a feel of what having three attacks on Ushio would be like. It's not too bad (if you can use both launchers at the same time, you can get past it), but I'll probably stick with the Wodao till I get a much better weapon.

The Iron Golem is the only other enemy on the map that isn't Fauxnel or a Carrion Wolf. If you're using Lockswell you can shut it up with Suspend Motion, but if you're not, then Union Plumes or Cockatrice Eggs to get past its Stone-inducing beams.

The Golem is pretty sturdy, so it's unlikely you'll fell it in one combo and get 100 Sin unless you get a bunch of criticals or are boosting/weakening stats.

I was a bit worried it would proceed to Stone someone but it's fazed. Hooray!

Doing well, doing well.

Wolves' tendency to Faze is annoying, but really it's not as bad as some of the other monster groups out there.

And now for the fourth and last wolf.

There are a few ways to make Fauxnel utterly trivial, but the easiest is if you got the Elfin Talfetta in Chapter III. It reduces the damage from Earth attacks by 90%, weakening Faunxel's Poison Blow and Maleficent Harm moves to miniscule levels.
Incidentally, Ushio can wear it. How devilishly nice.


So you think you're clever, do you, Fauxnel?

Well then, prepare your anus.

I think this is only fitting.

Nothing particularly amazing - Magic Mail is okay but otherwise the best stuff is in the 100% - we can't make use of Ether Gloves in our main party so one of our Sorcerers will get them, and 90,000 exp from the Expert's Experiences will probably be useful at some point.

See, this is one of those instances where I get annoyed that characters don't get lines after they've been recruited. This part doesn't feel right without Ushio angrily cutting in.

That's nice, now let us chop off your head and be on our merry- wait what


Age: 25
Gender: Male
Homeland: Artolia
Height: 177cm
Weight: 63kg
Artolian court magus who has assumed the position of the court archimagus in absentia, granting him temporary rule over all palace sorcerers. A former colleague of both Rosea and Lieselotte, Fauxnel was said to be intimately involved in the mysterious death of Sir Cennair, for which the two were banished.

Fauxnel official render.