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Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume

by ApplesandOranges

Part 65: Chapter 3A Sacrifice

Chapter 3A Sacrifice

Hod, brother of, and slayer of Baldr.

Hod's Smiting may be the ultimate offensive Plume tactic, granting all allies 100% critical chance. This makes enemies' defenses effectively nothing, and you can even further the offense with Reinforces. One of the better tactics to use against bosses... as long as you don't die and lose the effect.

Uaaargh! This rage... I can't hold it any longer!


A cruel joke! My life, my death... naught but a... cruel joke...

Ushio Voice Collection

Ushio's Japanese VA is Hiroki Tōchi, whose most famous role is likely that of Arngrim in the other Valkyrie Profile games. He's also the Japanese dub of Chris Redfield from the Resident Evil series, and in fact has roles in many of tri-Ace's other games, including the Star Ocean franchise.