Part 70: A Ending (1)

Master Wylfred, your disposition puzzles me. Time imperils you, yet you do not act.

The harvest of souls needed to fell the valkyrie remains scant, and with it your hopes of redemption.

Heavy words so lightly thrown! Need I remind you of your indenture to Mistress Hel?

You needn't. I shall abide by the covenant. Come, Ailyth, Niflheim awaits.

It is only know that I have come to my senses, and realized murder upon murder redeems no one.

Knowing the error of my ways, I can travel down the path no longer.

What do you mean, "devise this war?"

I'll have you know it was hardly easy, sire.

Sabotaging Roienburg's truce, and implicating treachery on each brother's behalf in the process...

Why, for you of course, Master Wylfred. If only you'd been a good little pawn and obeyed Mistress Hel's master plan-

it might not have come to this. Alas, if your pathetic, hollow existence can serve no other purpose...
Ailyth (Cutscene)
No, really, go watch it.
Ailyth official render.