Part 73: A Ending (End)

I betrayed you, Ancel.

You were my dearest friend and I left you to die. I lied to Tilte as well... All to fulfill my selfish ambitions...

You've said enough.

You are a better friend than I deserve...

Tell Tilte I died bravely in battle, and nothing more. No need to make it harder on her than it already is.

Shed no tears in my name! It isn't for mortals to pity einherjar, you know!

And though I bask in heavenly glory while you stumble about Midgard, we can't let that come between old friends.

That settles it, then!

There was one other thing - a message from your father.

Aye. I've returned, Tilte.

It is good to see you, Wyl. Is Ancel not with you?

My gods...

Know that to his final breath, and evermore as einherjar, it is your happiness he holds most dear.

He is gone...


Oh, is that so? Well, I will have to look at it as soon as I return.

I can't wait that long! I won't be able to sleep!

There there, Elsie. You musn't nag Papa! You can wait til he comes back.

Well, only if he -promises- to fix it when he comes home.

You have my word. Nevertheless...

I remember now... I was to repair it in his place.

I was sound asleep and did not hear you come in. How thoughtless of me.


What are you doing, dear?

This melody... How I've longed to hear it. For so long I've longed to hear it.

A lullaby for our children, you said, as you made it.

For our...children...

My darling Thyodor... my dear Elsie...

...They are here no longer.


Oh, Wylfred.

The pain I have caused you... My madness drove you from this home.

But now you return, my one and only son. How I have missed you!
You might notice a few things different from the A route - since Kristoff survives, there is no scene describing Artolia's fall by Joshua (though it's possible Kristoff messed things up anyway.) In addition, the A route doesn't involve any scenes between the gods at all. Whether it means the A route is non-canon or that Odin decides to seal Lenneth anyway because of her sympathy towards Wylfred is up to the player.
Also, now that we've finished all three routes, there's something new in the credits some people might miss because they skip through it. I've listed the full credits in video form here in case anyone wants the full list of names, and some snippets are below.
Normally, the credits are against a black background.
This track plays throughout the credits.
Thank you for following this far.

For the time being, my place is here by my mother's side.

But one day it will come time. Much have I seen, and more have I learned from my travels.

I know there is more I must do.

What is that?

That no matter what becomes of you, your mother and I shall always be here, waiting for you with open arms.

This will always be your home.