Part 78: Lap 1: Floor 4 - 4.5

Roienburg starts out very close to us. Since he's a Lancer, it means it's not too difficult for him to reach us. I opt to decide to just defeat Roienburg to end the battle quickly.

Roienburg has Sorcerers and Archers with him, thus making it dangerous to prolong the battle since they'll just help him get more attacks in. Enemies can drop either Guard Potions or Dark Savior spells, but there isn't that much point in hunting for it specifically; we'll find another copy soon enough, and anything that's resistant to Holy you could just use Frigid Damsel on.

He moves in quickly, though.

We didn't really see Roienburg do much in the story mode, but overall he's dangerous - powerful, multi-hit attacks.

Roienburg knows Body of Steel, and I'm fairly certain he also knows First Aid.

Luckily, spells are still effective, and an Enlightenment-boosted Sacred Javelin takes him down without too much trouble.

Roienburg drops Fists of Iron. This is the easiest source of them, and you'll be able to get two more if you progress normally. If you're not running a Sorcerer, you may want to consider running the lap again to get a second copy, so you'll get four copies eventually.


You know, I get re-using Wylfred's 'crying' portrait for laughing but using Ancel's 'WYLLLLL' pose for it looks kinda... odd.

Roienburg pretty much... blows the other Lancers out of the water. He has better damage, more hits, and a stronger Soul Crush. Triple Threat deals nine hits, tying with Valmur's Needlerain for the most number of hits from a single attack. Roienburg does forty-one hits with just his attacks and Soul Crush alone, not including any gems, and he's good enough for crystals. Duwain is the least overshadowed because he has a knockdown, and Heugoe has an unblockable attack, but Earnest has... nothing really.

This is me not having adjusted their attacks, but Kristoff's attacks are much easier to time compared to Darius and Roienburg is... Roienburg. To his credit Roienburg's attacks can be a little slow outside of sieges, but he doesn't really have many flaws outside of that.

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Homeland: Artolia
Height: 177cm
Weight: 66kg
Crown Prince of Artolia, but not its eldest prince. By the laws and customs of old, the first son of the King and Queen Regnant, Kristoff, is entitled to the throne, yet some contend there are grounds that substantiate the claim of the elder Langrey, first son of the King who was born out of wedlock. Regardless, Kristoff cares deeply for his elder half-brother.
While trying to calm the political furor raised in the wake of his father's death, Kristoff's passive demeanor has been a great detriment, placing him at the mercy of insistent and insidious advisors.
Kristoff Voice Collection
These three only have Japanese VAs known. Kristoff is voiced by Shinnosuke Tachibana.

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Homeland: Artolia
Height: 176cm
Weight: 63kg
Eldest prince of Artolia, but not its crown prince. That honor belongs to the son of the queen regnant, Prince Kristoff, per the traditions of Artolian succession. Nevertheless, there are those who argue that since Langrey's mother was of a birth more noble than the queen's the throne by right is his, and Artolia has been embroiled in conflict since the princes were mere babies.
Langrey's wishes for Artolian prosperity are genuine, and he laments his kingdom does not enjoy the wealth its neighbors do. It is for that very reason, the future welfare of his homeland, that Langrey seeks to rule.
Langrey Voice Collection
Langrey is voiced by Junji Majima.

Age: 55
Gender: Male
Homeland: Artolia
Height: 185cm
Weight: 81kg
Old friend to whom the king had entrusted the fosterage of his two sons. Weary of ceaseless political infighting at court and assigned the title of margrave, Roienebourg left the palace and the young princes to tend to his demesne in the southern borderlands. Following the king's death, he looked on from afar as the succession controversy unfolded, and recognizing the infighting wouold ultimately spell Artolia's doom, took up the banner of Joshua, eldest son of Duke Valery, brother of the former king.
Trivia: Roienburg is the tallest character in the game. The runner-up is Heugoe, who comes in at 5cm, or 2 inches, shorter.
Roienburg Voice Collection
Roienburg is voiced by Koutarou Nakamura.

The intermediate battle features four Ghouls, who should be cake to kill now, and a Sorceress.

There's only one hidden treasure here. It has Gold Rush for Natalia. If you're really strapped for cash, it might not be a bad skill for now to get better equipment. I personally didn't use it, but I guess this is one situation it could be of use, especially if your party is generating lots of crystals already.

For some reason, the Sorceress is all the way in the corner up some stairs, making you go all the way round to fight her.

She drops a copy of Dash. If you didn't re-fight Gabriel Celeste, it's best to kill her in a siege to increase the chance of it dropping.
