Part 80: Lap 1: Floor 6 - 6.5

Alright, tough fight time. Lenneth is stationary til we get closer, along with two Aesir Sorceresses. Also on the sides are more Aesir Archeresses.

Thyodor is also here. He doesn't have to be killed (just killing Lenneth will end the map), but he'll usually drop an extra item if you do.

I wriggle around trying to lure in Thyodor, but my best efforts just result in the Archeresses getting in some free hits.

Finally I get in close enough to Suspend one of them.

Auguste and Reinhilde then take out another.

The problem is that Thyodor is very difficult to bring down in one combo, so more likely than not you're going to have to eat two or three Union Plumes doing so.

He's a ladykiller.

Oh, everything here resists Holy, so go back to Frigid Damsel or use Dark Savior if you have another character to do knockdowns.

Bless you Trinity Fork and your gold gems.

Thyodor drops Pacification. Ehhh.

Oh screw you Aesir Sorceress.

Take that!

Starting to run out of these.

Level ups are very helpful when you're low on revival supplies.

Dammit, that's my last one.

I did not heed my own advice and Sacred Javelin does pitiful damage to Lenneth.

And she has First Aid, by the by.

Aaaand Auguste dies.

Luckily for me Lenneth being low on health prompts her to try to 'run away' rather than kill Natalia or someone else. So at least I'll get to kill her. Bad news is Auguste loses out on some experience.

That money is going to come in very handy.


Only Lenneth joins us - Thyodor will remain forever unplayable.
Lenneth is a Swordswoman, giving her access to Tiaras and the Material Earring. Lenneth has a different stat growth than the other Swordsmen, having slightly lower RDM, but in exchange has better ATK (lower than Warriors but better than Lancers), as well as the best RST in the game.
Lenneth is basically Darius, but better, also having access to a launcher+knockdown+attack combo. Her attacks also deal more hits and more damage, and Niebelung Valesti is also powerful. That and her better equipment and stat growth means that Darius is now made redundant unless you don't want to use SG characters or you just like him. Overall, Lenneth is a fantastic character on any team.

First things first. Gotta restock.

A bit of a more relaxed battle after the last two tough ones. Giant Bats, Hellhounds, Fishes and a Ghoul are our obstacles for the day.

First Aid is always a fantastic skill to have. There are no items on this map, so just kill everything.

Auguste is amazing. I need to get him a better weapon so he can actually hurt things again.


Okay, backstory time for those who haven't played the first two games. Hrist is the eldest of the three Valkyrie sisters, who made appearances in the first two games. Lenneth, the middle sister, was the star of Valkyrie Profile. Silmeria, the youngest sister, was the star of Valkyrie Profile 2. So logically, when there was a third game announced, logic goes that Hrist would... star in it... right?

Hrist official render.