Part 81: Lap 1: Floor 7 - 7.5

Yet another tough one. Hrist is backed up by Aesir Lancers and Sorceresses. If you're running a team comprised mostly of Warriors/Swordsmen/Uniques, expect a lot of trouble. They're all resistant to Holy (so avoid Sacred Javelin if you can), and the Lancers are resistant to Ice as well.

While logic suggests that you should go for the Lancer within striking distance (immediately to the left), it's actually a better idea to go to the right.

While Suspend Motion is helpful, the Sorceresses won't hesitate to throw out Normalizes. Since Normalize is cheaper than Suspend Motions, you'd end up losing in the long run, though it's still useful to eat up the Sorceresses' turn. If you can, Suspending the Sorceresses is a better choice than the Lancers.

The main reason you want to go to the right is this hidden item, tucked away out of sight. It's very easy to miss.

A copy of Defiance is quite helpful though.

Hrist Soul Crush
For those who have played the first two games, Hrist is a palette-swapped Lenneth. Can you spot an inconsistency during her Soul Crush because of this?

Hrist can quickly wreck you since she's in such close proximity to her allies, and the multiple ranged units allow lots of ganging up on this map. She also knows Fists of Iron.

There are two possible drops on this map; one of the Lancers can drop a Lightning Edge, and one of the Sorceresses can drop a copy of Caution for Lancers. Both are really shop fodder since they're not that useful.

I'm running low on Union Plumes again, so I'm resorting to using Warrior's Arcanums - Natalia and Auguste can take one attack from Hrist if she doesn't get a Soul Crush off.

If you're having a lot of trouble, one way is to back way up against one of the walls - Hrist will follow you, but most of her lackeys will lag behind, giving you a bit of breathing space.

Hrist drops a Frostbane - a decent weapon for Swordsmen if you can't afford anything better.


Hrist's attacks are fundamentally identical to Lenneth - the only difference is a change in name from Moment Slide to Gale Winds, but otherwise they're the same, Soul Crush and all. The only difference is in their stats growth - Hrist has higher ATK than other Swordsmen, but lower than Lenneth, and her RST is the same as the Swordsmen. Her main advantage is her HP, which grows at the rate of a Warrior's.

Bats, Fishes, and a Lizard Man. Nothing particularly new here.

There are two hidden treasures (an Earth Talisman and a Lightning Ward.) Enemies can drop a copy of Encircle (very handy for Auguste/Natalia), and a copy of Shield Wall (generally useless.)


I think there's a typo here - it'd make more sense if they intended the word to be 'guts' rather than 'guile'.

Backstory time two! Arngrim is a main character from both Valkyrie Profile 1 and 2. Notably he was Lenneth's first Einherjar, and over the course of the two games, has served under all three Valkyries (Hrist, Lenneth, Silmeria).

Arngrim official render.