Part 82: Lap 1: Floor 8 - 8.5

For once, a much easier map compared to the last two. Arngrim has four Sorceresses backing him up, but only one is close enough to go after the party at the start, and he'll go after you as well, so if you just hang back he'll come to you.

If you do want to go after him, there is a hidden item that contains a copy of Razor's Edge. It's a fairly good technique if you have a Swordsman, so decide whether or not it's worth the risk.

The Sorceress closest to us drops a copy of Reduce Magic. Very handy.

Arngrim is generally easier to handle because he's a Warrior and has their bad range. He still hurts if he gets his hands on you, but compared to Lenneth/Thyodor or Hrist he's a nice breath of fresh air. While he resists Fire, he doesn't resist Holy, so Sacred Javelin is fair game here.

Arngrim drops an Icicle Plate. This is a solid piece of armour for any mail-wearing classes, saving you buying a chestpiece for them from the shop.


Arngrim is a Warrior. To start off, he's essentially a palette swap of Ancel - same attacks, different names. Even their Soul Crushes are the same, though Arngrim has it renamed to his characteristic Final Blast. Where it does count, however, are Arngrim's stats - he has the best HP growth in the game, the third highest ATK (only a few points behind Auguste), and every other stat that matters is a little higher than his fellow Warriors. This makes Ancel redundant, as Arngrim does everything he does, but better.
Overall, Arngrim's a solid character - his attacks aren't as easy to string together as Phiona's and his combo rate is lower than Mischka's, but his higher stats and excellent supporting Soul Crush keeps him competent.

Age: 23 (Appearance)
Gender: Female
Homeland: Asgard
Bust/Waist/Hip: 84/56/83
Valkyrie presiding over Midgard at present. Sent forth by Odin, the Battle Maiden scours the killing fields for fallen warrior souls upon whom to bestow eternal heavenly glory. The Chooser of the Slain is revered as a savior by some, reviled as a death goddess by others.
Lenneth Voice Collection
Lenneth is voiced by Yumi Tōma, who also voices Nina Williams and Ling Xioayu from the Tekken series. Her English VA is Megan Hollingshead.

Age: 25 (Appearance)
Gender: Female
Homeland: Valhalla
Bust/Waist/Hip: 85/57/84
Her fervent loyalty to Odin often compels the eldest of Fate's three daughters to act with blatant disregard for the will of mortals.
Only one Battle Maiden remains awake to recruit Einherjar at a given time. While Lenneth tends to the duties of the Valkyrie, and Silmeria remains in custody of the Lord of the Undead, Hrist's spirit lies dormant within a mortal body in Midgard.
Hrist Voice Collection
It's not entirely clear who voices Hrist; she's had two VAs in the past, Kikuko Inoue, who voiced her in VP1, and Atsuko Tanaka, who voiced her in VP2 (and who also voices Reinhilde.) Her English VA is Megan Hollingshead, who reprises her role as Hrist from VP1, and who also voices Lenneth.

Arngrim Soul Crush
...Yeah, the right characters can raise the Hit Count to crazy levels. Arngrim and Ailyth alone add 50 hits with their Soul Crushes, if you toss in Roienburg that's another 25, and if you put in Lenneth/Hrist/Darius, you can get some very crazy hit counts. Of course, there are certain other parties that can do high hit counts without them...

Age: 26
Gender: Male
Homeland: Artolia
Artolian mercenary soul not incarnated at present, yet destined to achieve great renown once he is again born. Though once an einherjar of Hrist's, Arngrim was returned to the cycle of transmigration after running afoul of Odin.
Arngrim Voice Collection
Arngrim is voiced by Hiroki Tochi. His English VA, while not credited, is likely to be Dameon Clarke, who voiced him in VP2.

If you're not using Ailyth, a really nice thing is that her weapon, the Feather Duster, sells for an astounding 40,000 OTH, which is enough to outfit your party quite well or to save up for some of the best stuff. I buy a Kindling Sword for Arngrim (Ancel, Arngrim and Phiona prefer weapons with 2/3 attacks, unlike Mischka/Gwendal, who work better with the Elemental Edge.)

Giving Arngrim a try here.

Vidar, who you might remember from Vidar's Hush, Lockswell's Plume skill, appears on this map as a boss. He's a Swordsman with a unique voiceset and his own Soul Crush. There are other lesser gods like him throughout the Gate, and you'll face them after Arngrim of that lap.

Other enemies on this map are Archeresses and Lancers. At this point, with enough levels and armour under your belt, they should be mostly harmless.

One of the Lancers drops Resist Magic. Not an amazing skill but you can use it if you have nothing better, or just sell it.

An Archeress drops a Raijoudou. This is a nice upgrade for any Archer using the Arbalest. It can get replaced by the Dawnsong (for 12000 OTH) once one gets enough money.

Enemies getting gems isn't really so bad anymore... for now.

I really need to remember to stop using Sacred Javelin for most of these fights. Everything and their mother resisting Holy is not very fun.

One of the Lancers has a special drop - he can drop either the Grasida or the Holy Halberd, but not both - getting in a siege seems to increase the chance of him dropping the Grasida. The Grasida is a better weapon (and sells for slightly more), so it's worth trying to get the Grasida if you can.

Vidar finally gets in range.

Vidar Soul Crush
The Aesir gods' Soul Crushes are pretty much re-coloured versions of other Soul Crushes - Raging/Storming Wind is a green Danse Macabre.

I'm not that great at connecting Arngrim's attacks yet. The main problem with him (as well as Ancel and Kristoff) is that his best attack has him pass through the enemy to the other side, which, while great for setting up faze combos, also means any of his follow-up attacks are more likely to miss since they don't have as great a range.

Final Blast is pretty sweet. The 20 additional hits and a whopping 60 Attack Gauge is great.

Vidar Voice Collection

Vidar can drop up to two Expert's Experiences - very nice for getting an early boost in levels.


Freya official render.