Part 83: Lap 1: Floor 9 - 10

I think I like having Arngrim in.

Not as bad as the Lenneth/Hrist fights. Freya has some Swordsmen with her and a few Sorceresses. Unlike the main story, she's actually beatable this time.

I'll talk more about Freya after the battle, but one note is that she flies, so she can hover above empty space and make it difficult to hit her.

The nearest Swordsman drops Fleet Feet for Archers.

I forgot to remove Sacred Javelin again, but at least this time it pays off.

I like how House Haughn has some family resemblances running through. Valmur uses archery like his mother, but is better with multiple-hitting crystal generators like his father. Phiona employs both her father's quick, multiple hits, and her mother's powerful, unblockable ones.

Freya also has Fists of Iron. I like the track for fighting her, as it doesn't come up often - the last time I remember it is when you fight Kristoff on the C path.

I teach Natalia Dash and Auguste Encircle. Encircle is amazing for Natalia/Auguste; while most other classes do just fine with Dash or Transpose, Encircle helps those two with limited range to get in position where they can attack from behind.

While Freya hits hard, the trade-off is that she falls pretty easily.

There aren't really any useful items to get on this map, other than possibly Fleet Feet.


Our last secret character, like Ailyth, Freya is in a class all on her own, the Giver of Life class. We'll talk about her downsides first - she has a launcher, and is the only character forced to use it, since her only weapons have three attacks. Freya's equipment options are extremely limited - she can't wear gloves of any kind, her footwear is limited to the Suede and Safety Boots, and she has only two pieces of body armour, which don't show up til the mid laps. This means she has pretty low defenses, coupled with average health and concentrated assaults will wear her down quickly.

Past that? Freya is an amazing unit, as one might expect. She has Ushio's movement and a Lancer's range of attack, giving her one of the best attack ranges in the game. Freya is also the only controllable flying unit, giving her good mobility. Her forced launcher aside, her other attacks are unblockable and overall Freya has the third best multipliers in the game. Unlike Ailyth and Reinhilde, she also has the stats to back it up - Freya easily has the best ATK in the game, as well as the second best HIT and AVD. Like Ailyth, she's also innately resistant to Darkness. She's a bit of a glass cannon, but a fantastic one.

Smiting foes from on high!

Freya Soul Crush
Ether Strike is the most powerful Soul Crush in the game. Even taking into account it only does one hit compared to other characters like Roienburg's twenty-five, its multiplier is incredibly high. If you group Freya with characters that can accumulate lots of hits, like Roienburg, Valmur and Auguste, Ether Strike damage can reach ridiculous levels.

Age: 26 (Appearance)
Gender: Female
Homeland: Seraphic Gate
Bust/Waist/Hip: 88/58/87
Goddess of Creation who stands ever faithful by Odin's side, and to whom the All-father enters the consummation of his commands.
For her ability to conjure being where there was once none, Freya is worshipped by mortals as a goddess of life and fertility. Yet what the goddess giveth, she also taketh away, and those who cross her soon find the Mother of Creation is equally capable of punishing her children as she is of nurturing them. Hers is a power which gods and men alike are compelled to kneel.
Freya Voice Collection
Freya is voiced by Maria Kawamura, who reprises her role from the last two games. Her English VA is uncredited, in VP1 she was Veronica Taylor, who should be familiar as Ash, his mom, and May in the first eight seasons of Pokemon. In VP2 she was Kirsten Potter.
In addition, now that we've seen all the Soul Crushes (well, all the playable ones), here's all the Japanese (non-Sorcerer) Soul Crushes, helpfully compiled by the same person who compiled all the voice collections:
Japanese Soul Crushes
Personally I prefer English for most of them, though there are a few pleasant surprises in there. JP Valmur manages to sound even older than the English one does though.

Lots of Sorceresses and a few Swordsmen.

I'm almost glad I didn't get four copies of Dash straight away because it's let me discover the usefulness of things like Encircle.

Magic becomes less and less of a threat throughout the gate - Sorcerers just don't get as threatening because of their low multipliers. Sadly, the same applies to our own.

There's a very important hidden treasure on this map.

Namely, a Power Bangle! Be sure to snag it.

One of the Sorceresses drops a Holy Rod, which is a good upgrade for Sorcerers til you can buy a Caduceus (95000 OTH.) Other drops on this map include a copy of Regneration and Prevent Sorcery.

I got Auguste some Raptor Claws, but I really need to get weapons with three attacks again - having less attacks is screwing up some Attack Gauge boosts and letting enemies live.



The Ethereal Queen, like Gabriel Celeste, is another mainstay of the Seraphic Gate, usually as the 'final' boss. Here though, she's just a Sorceress (albeit one who can fly.)

She has resistances to all elements except Darkness, though most prominently towards Holy. The hidden item near her starting position is another Expert's Experience, and she's assisted by two Living Armor and a Lesser Vampire.

As one might expect, the Queen uses Sacred Javelin as her spell. However, she can cast it twice in a row, like the Pale Flames in the A route, which definitely makes up for its damage multipliers.

Now, we could just take out all the units around for her some experience and OTH, but really...

There's no point in forestalling this.

Being a Sorceress, she doesn't take physical attacks well.

Ethereal Queen Voice Collection

And that's the end... of the first lap. Nine more laps to go! (They'll be condensed, so at least you guys won't have to suffer that much.)

Ethereal Queen official render.