Part 84: Lap 2
Lap 2


So, back to the grind. There isn't much else to be said about the Gate - if you find a combination that works, it'll work. I'll mostly point out notable items along the way.

Gabriel still uses Dark Savior, but he casts it twice in a row now, like the Ethereal Queen. You can also grab the Dark Savior codex on the first floor.

Meditation and Killer Instinct drop on Floor 1.5 for Sorcerers and Auguste. They can both be found later on, but nabbing Killer Instinct is nice if you're using Auguste.

And sometimes the AI does silly stuff like this.

Floor 2.5, aside from another copy of Transposition, has a Magic Bangle off one of the enemies. If you're using a Sorcerer, I highly recommend you seek this out, as the next one won't be til Lap 3.

Lap 2 is also the money-making lap; a lot of the enemies drop considerable amount of experience and OTH. You'll be getting most of your upgrades and supplies during this lap.

I'm going to mention the real reason I chose Natalia; the Imanotsurugi is available for 70,000 OTH, and is worth every... copper? Whatever passes for currency. We didn't get a chance to play with it in the main story, but make no mistake, that 10% chance of Instant Death on regular enemies is absolute gold in the Gate, and it will save me so much time especially in the later maps.

There's a copy of Fists of Iron on Ailyth's map. Be sure to grab it!

I love the Imanotsurugi.
You should be able to get upgrades for almost everyone during Lap 2; the Moonfalx/Arondight for Swordsmen, Arectaris for Warriors, Osafune for Ushio, Imanotsurugi for Natalia, Raptor Claws for Auguste, and the Caduceus for Sorcerers are all available from the shop, at varying costs. Mischka might want to stick with the Elemental Edge, as well as possibly Gwendal (though he can also use the Dragon Slayer that drops from Kristoff.)

There are also some important armour upgrades. Ether Gloves, Mirage Robes/Elfin Talfettas, and Dragon Armors are all available from the shop, as well as the Sylph Robe for Lockswell/Fauxnel/Langrey. Lenneth drops the Cloak of Britannia, which is especially notable not only since it's the best armour for most females except Phiona, Mireille and the Valkyries, but also one of only two pieces of body armour Freya can wear (and her only one til Lap 7.) The Starguards drop from an enemy on Hrist's map (and should definitely be picked up if you're using a mail-wearer or Ushio), and Ether Greaves off one of the enemies on the map right after that.

The Material Earring also comes from that same map, which should help any female non-Sorcerers (Rosea and Lieselotte should have the Magic Bangle.)

It's kinda amusing when you use a character to fight a stronger version of themselves.

Is this what they call suicide?

Our Aesir boss of the lap is Ull, who appears after Arngrim. He's also notable as the only Archer boss in the entire game.
Fairly good reason, too, since you can just box him in from all directions and he'll never be able to do anything.

I wanted to get him to do his Soul Crush, but he just didn't and so... he died. It's just a differently coloured version of Cheripha's Beaming Barrage. Ah well.
Ull Voice Collection

Ull has two possible drops for Archers; either the Blue Gale or the Othinus' Bow. The Othinus' Bow is far better and none of the Archers will ever desperately need three attacks, so if you're using one of them I suggest fishing for it. The Blue Gale is also available later down the road, but this is the only place to get Othinus' Bow. I didn't get one, but I'm not using Reinhilde anymore so I'm not too fussed.
Seriously, the Othinus' Bow is probably the second or third best weapon in the Gate (I still think the Imanotsurugi is better.)

The hidden item on Ull's map is also way off in a random location, which is annoying since it's a copy of Diminish Missile, which is immensely useful (Lap 3 has so much Archer Hell.)

Nothing too interesting about Freya (though I did want to show off that high Hit Count.) If you have a Sorcerer, you shouldn't have that much trouble killing off bosses in one round right now.
Note that Floor 9.5 can drop the Demon Hands for Auguste - it allows him to use three attacks. I didn't get one, but I think the Raptor Claws are better for him anyway - he can juggle better with Phoenix Rising > Boxing Mantis and he'll get the occasional damage boost on beasts.

There's one helpful hidden item on the Etheral Queen's floor - a copy of Magic Mail.

The Ethereal Queen casts Sacred Javelin three times now, but the thing is that she's basically almost a joke if anyone has the Cloak of Britannia - it reduces Holy damage by 90%. If you don't get Stunned, as soon as you take out the rest of the enemies you're in no danger of dying anytime soon.

Still kill her in one combo though.
Because the Etheral Queen resists all elements except Darkness, there are a few things certain classes can do to circumvent it. Swordsmen can use the Arondight, which deals double damage since she's a female. Arngrim can drop a Vainslayer, which is Darkness and allows Warriors to deal some decent damage to her. Ushio is kinda boned and Sorcerers too unless they resort to Dark Savior, but ah well.

She drops a Mirror Plate, which cuts Holy damage by 50%. Now mail wearers can also laugh at her. Note that elemental resistances also stack with Reduce Magic, the poor Queen. It has a 20% weakness to Darkness - you can either get around it by using the Valor Gauntlets (purchasable from the shop), or just stick with Starguards.

Now, let's look at the Lap 2 scene.