Part 85: Lap 3
Lap 3

Lap Threeeeee

Gabriel now uses Dark Savior thrice. Three is the maximum number of times he and the Ethereal Queen will cast in a row, so from now on they'll just hit harder instead of more times.
Also, much like how anyone with the Cloak of Britannia can cheese the Queen, Lockswell, Fauxnel or Langrey can just stand there and take Dark Saviors all day with the Sylph Robe, which reduces Darkness damage by 90%. Of course, provided they don't get Silenced.

One drawback of Auguste and Freya is that the lack of gloves means they block very rarely. You can run Omnicheck + Defiance to cut down on damage, but then you lose out on the Power Bangle.

Aura Flux + Might Reinforce is an amazing combination. With 100 AP, the Sorcerer will have 30 AP left, allowing them to use it for an Aura Fluxed Guard Reinforce, or a Sap Guard. This is one of the best ways to maximize damage. Just remember either effect will fade if knocked out.

Even weak characters like Cheripha or Natalia can do some decent damage when Might Reinforced and attacking a Sapped enemy.

Langrey is arguably the easiest boss during the Laps because any non-mail, Ailyth or Freya characters can near nullify his damage with the Mirage Robe. Unlike the other spellcasting bosses, he only casts his spell once during combos.

There's an out of the way treasure tile on Ailyth's map that has a copy of Magic Mail.

Ailyth drops Helgi's Sword. Swordsmen should be using this for most of the gate (swapping to the Arondight for females if they want and the Moonfalx for Darkness-resistant enemies). Swordsmens' choice of great weaponry helps keep them relevant alongside the other melee units.
In addition, Hrist drops a Basilisk's Gaze. Lancers will be using this for almost the rest of the gate. The ATK isn't as great as compared to some of the other classes' weapons', but the chance of Petrify allow them to act as pseudo-Imanotsurugis (you win if all remaining enemies are Petrified, but you lose out on any potential experience.) Since later enemies start giving crap in terms of money and exp, anything to help speed up the Gate is welcome.

Lap 3 is pretty much the last lap with major money drops, so go all out on buying supplies. You should have about 90+ Union Plumes for the rest of the Gate and using money from bosses to restock. If nothing else, you can resort to Union Plume spamming to get through the Gate - it takes hideously long, so being able to down bosses in single combos makes things so much easier.

Thyodor drops a second Power Bangle.

The Imanotsurugi is still absolutely brilliant.

Archer hell returns on on one of the maps as well.

Natalia has the devil's luck. She just manages to block a barrage of hits that would have killed her. Ether Gloves are so good.

Curiously named enemies start showing up.

The Aesir boss of the lap is Thor, who's a Warrior. As one might expect, he's also resistant to Lightning.

Thor Soul Crush
Thor's Soul Crush is basically Duwain's Land's Lament.

Survival isn't exactly reliable, but it's always nice when it does proc (it's not like you have that many other skills to equip till you get enough copies of First Aid/Fists of Iron/Reduce Magic/Diminish Missile.)
Thor Voice Collection

Aura Fluxed Suspend Motions take 110 AP, but it's so satisfying when you pull one off.

No, please continue trying.
Anyway, onto the Lap 3 scene.

The other Duwain fades away.

