Part 86: Lap 4
Lap 4

I wish there was something interesting to say about Lap 4 but there isn't that much. You should have almost all your equipment at this point so what money that's coming in will be used to maintain your stock of Union Plumes/Elixirs.

Enemies start using more spells at this lap. Invoke Feather and Suspend Motions start appearing, and enemies like Swordsmen and Rogues start using Sap Power/Guard.

I really love it when Magic Mail does this. When it activates it pretty much guarantees you block all magic unless a non-magic attack hits you, so on maps with only Sorcerers it's brilliant.

The Safety Boots have no use in the Gate; they're just there because uh... I guess Freya can wear them since she doesn't have anything better.

Enemies have considerably high enough health at this stage to be an issue unless you're really getting good/lucky at getting those combos off. Just remember that Gabriel resists Ice/Darkness/Earth, Langrey, Freya and Ailyth Darkness, Roienburg Lightning, Kristoff, Lenneth, Thyodor, Hrist and most Aesir Holy, and the Queen everything except Darkness. Not that much worth it to replace Sacred Javelin if you really need it however, just use Frigid Damsel when you need to and learn the timing.

Kristoff drops a third Power Bangle. If you're using a single Sorcerer, you should have Bangles for everyone now.

Enemies start having stats in the thousands. Hitting them from behind helps to get around rising AVD stats.

It's also really nice when you manage to Stun/Freeze an opponent with a Sorcerer so you can ignore them for a few rounds.

Some new items start to drop. The Mask of the Dead King drops on the 2.5 floor and is the best helmet for Warriors, Swordsmen and Lancers, with 110 RDM, 15 MAG and 10 RST. The Seraphic Garb drops from Hrist and can only be equipped by Lenneth/Hrist; it has 400 RDM, 10 AVD and 10 RST.

Ailyth drops the Mob Cap; it can only be worn by her and has 300 RDM and 20 RST. It's also the best headpiece in the game.

Lenneth herself drops the Valkyrie Favor. Again it can only be equipped by Lenneth/Hrist, and has 450 ATK, three attacks and is SC enabled.
...Really, the lap is going 'Why aren't you using the Valkyries? I mean, is there a reason to use a Swordsmen other than them?'

Killer Instinct is the best siege technique. Critical hits ignoring RDM means they just get better as enemies get more and more RDM. With a Might Reinforced character like Arngrim you can be putting out 5k+ damage hits when they go off.

...Sure thing game.

The Aesir boss this lap is Tyr, who's a Lancer.

Tyr Soul Crush
Tyr's Soul Crush is our palette swap of Thyodor's.

Tyr Voice Collection

I'd forgotten to mention this earlier, but everytime you beat the Lap, you get a Key Item, with 'The X Revelation.' Here are the first three:
The First Revelation:
"To conquer this dungeon is no small feat,
but you'll find only disappointment if you seek a treat."
The Second Revelation:
"Again, I repeat, no treat lies in store,
has not the story yielded the sword of yore?"
The Third Revelation:
"Of course, it is of the Angel Slayer I speak,
though the one Hel offers seems a little weak."
Anyway, here's the next scene:

The screen shakes a bit.

