Part 87: Lap 5
Lap 5

Gabriel is still Gabriel.

The last opportunity to get Dash is on the floor just after Gabriel. If you need more copies, run this lap again before you finish it.

Transpose is very handy when you have lots of melee units, some of which have bad close-up range like Auguste/Natalia/Ushio.

I didn't even know these guys had such absurd RST.

Okay now that's just silly.

I actually had to restart one of the maps because a screw up caused me to be left with only a Liese with 10 AP and Silenced.

But otherwise, enemies are still enemies...

And still susceptible to the same things.

There are a few new things though.

Pun named enemies aside.

For a frame of reference, it took me about 18 hours to get about halfway through the Gate. It takes about 6 to do a full route in the ain story.

Lenneth drops the Glance Reviver. It's the fourth best weapon for Swordsmen, and has 500 ATK, three attacks and SC enabled. None of the other classes get anything like this til Lap 7 or 8.

Langrey drops a Wand of Apocalypse, which is an interesting tradeoff. It has a massive 2000 MAG (2400 with the Magic Bangle, 3120 if you have a Spell Reinforce on top of that), but it doesn't allow a Soul Crush. Personally, I'd stick with the Caduceus; the high MAG sounds tempting, and they would be on any other classes, but since Sorcerers can't get gems, having a powerful ending Soul Crush is usually much better for damage.

Bosses and Expert's Experiences are pretty much your only real source of experience most of the time now.

Might Reinforced Arngrim getting criticals is really, really scary.

Our Aesir boss is Eir; she actually shows up on Freya's map rather than right before, and is a Sorceress.

But I kill her so fast she doesn't get a chance to do anything. Not like her Soul Crush is unique anyway.
Eir Voice Collection
Eir actually has unused voice data that can be heard at 1:18; Mystic Cross, a spell that never made it into the game proper.
For something interesting though, let's talk about the BEST accessory in the game.

Hrist drops the Truthade. When you equip it, it seemingly does nothing. Well...

Here's Wylfred's character profile normally.

...And here it is when the Truthade is equipped.
I'll be spreading these out throughout the Gate, but here are a few... 'truthful' profiles:
Boy with an unhealthy obsession for pinning blame on the valkyrie - an obsession without which there would be no story, so just let it go. Wylfred was actually a relatively well-rounded kid before being exhausted by Elsie's mischievousness, vexed by Ancel's recklessness, and dumbfounded by Tilte's airheadedness. Apparently, he can't stand it when Ancel has the nerve to call him "Wee Wyl" in battle like some sort of crybaby, particularly when it's Ancel's stupidity has him crying in the first place.
Wide-eyed lad who sealed his own fate the moment he told Tilte "There's something I want to ask you when I return," which ranks alongside "wistfully gazing family pictures" and "expressing eagerness about future plans" in terms of telltale signs that a character is not going to live past the first battle. Take note.
Painfully cheerful assassin who counterbalances the world of espionage and murder with exuberance and flair.
She and her father, Lockswell, have grown closer than ever since the ordeal of her desertion. Truth be told, the old man has grown a bit too doting lately, and she could really use some space.
Since deserting the assassins' guild to be with Cheripha, Lockswell has paid back the love he denied her tenfold, never leaving her side and constantly letting her know how he feels about her. It's only a matter of time before she tells him he's embarrassing her and deserts him to go hang out with her friends. Such is the dismal fate that awaits all father-daughter relationships.
Mercenary captain who would like nothing more than to be vanquished on the field of battle by a warrior greater than himself. Not exactly the kind of attitude you want in a leader. Some interesting facts about Heugoe:
- Familiar with Earnest's clan from his days in Villnore's military.
- Gave Ancel a proper burial after Wylfred ran off.
- Makes enemies weak in the knees with his gruff and husky voice.
And now let's look at the Chapter 5 scene.