Part 88: Lap 6
Lap 6


I mean really. No new equipment drops to talk about even.

So glad I have that dagger to speed up the Gate. Natalia and a Sorcerer make a solid map-clearing combination - if the Imanotsurugi doesn't kill them in the first few attacks, when Sacred Javelin knocks them back down Natalia can try to get gems with her last attack to get more hits in.


Killer Instinct, still the best siege technique. Critical hits just deal so much more damage as your level scales.

Arngrim's stats at around level 67 at some point during the lap. With the exception of bosses our stats are starting to be on par with enemies', and sometimes Bosses won't even fully kill a character with a Soul Crush.

Uh huh.

Sorcerers (including Gabriel and the Queen) are pretty much a non-threat at this point of the Gate, barring Suspend Motions. Spell multipliers just scale so poorly with increasing levels that you'd really need a high hit count for their Soul Crushes to dish out high damage. Even Liese is batting 50-50 when it comes to Phantom Destruction damage - sometimes enemies' RST/resistances are just too high.

And even when they do connect it's just... ehh.

The game also starts starting you off in very awkward positions. It just meant I got to kill Lenneth five minutes after the map started, thanks to Killer Instinct + Sap Guard.

Maybe it was just me but the Ethereal Queen seemed to be outright immune to Sacred Javelin - the attack didn't even hit her or knocked her down, so I reloaded and did the fight again with Frigid Damsel.
Anyway, more Revelations:
The Fourth Revelation:
"Lennth is looking quite hard to resist,
more than I can say for her sister Hrist."
The Fifth Revelation:
"By your valkyrie hunting I am truly impressed,
but perhaps you'd prefer a Dragon to Quest?"
The Sixth Revelation:
"Mind your D's and Q's and don't dillydally,
and perhaps you may find a Fantastic Finale."
And finally, our scene for the day:

Music stops.

Although dull and dour nowadays, in his heyday Darius was pretty quick with the zingers. In fact, his entire friendship with Earnest was built upon their natural funny man/straight man dynamic. The comic duo even auditioned for Talent Night at the Officers Academy. Their act consisted of two zany merchants and a Yamato prop called an 'abacus". Alas, it was not meant to be.
Nobleman who always walks the straight line, even if it should lead him directly into a tree. Such slapstick hijinks earned Earnest the title of class clown of the Officers Academy.
He was waxing moronic in the halls of the academy one day, when there with a perfectly delivered one-liner was his underclassmen, Darius, and the two became the best of friends thereafter. Natalia is also a dear friend, but that's as far as it goes. Can't a guy and a girl just be friends?
You'd never guess by her figure that Natalia was a mother of two. Most of her suitors never guess either, which makes for a fun surprise.
She lost track of her children when they fled the orphanage, and has heard nothing of them since. Though she believes deep within that somewhere they still live, she wouldn't know them from the everyday pre-teens mercenaries you meet on the field of battle. ...It's a small world after all.
Sister twin who talks to Wylfred as if he were her big brother. Wylfred doesn't seem to mind. After all, who wouldn't want a little sister like Mireille?
There's not much to know about Mischka, other than that he's completely and utterly devoted to his twin sister. The only reason he even talks to Wylfred is because Mireille does.
Greedy hoarder who spends every waking moment thinking about money, before going off to sleep and dreaming about it. Apparently, it's so he can send it anonymously to the sickly wife he left behind, or someone or other. His hobbies include bookkeeping and eavesdropping. The walls have ears...
Big Gwendal is watching.