Part 89: Lap 7
Lap 7

Unlike Lap 6, there are actually a few more interesting things this lap.

...Getting some of these out of the way.

I start buying a few Prime Elixirs. At 5000 OTH and 50 AP a pop, they're not the cheapest of things, but they restore all status and 50% health. Since we're at the point where not everything is one-shotting us they can be handy in conjunction with Guard/Might Reinforces - less dead allies means less turns spent reviving people.

Roborovski hamsters (Phodopus roborovskii; formerly, Cricetulus bedfordiae) or desert hamsters (also known simply as Robos or Robs) are the smallest of all dwarf hamsters, averaging under 2 cm (1 inch) at birth, and between 4.5-5 cm (2 inches) and 20-25 g (1 oz) during adulthood. Distinguishing characteristics of the Roborovskis are eyebrow-like white spots and the lack of any dorsal stripe (found on the other members of the Phodopus genus).

Also, Hamsters might start attacking if you get too close to them now.


Fortunately, seven laps in and their sting has been taken down a little.

We're starting to get into real endgame equipment now - Ailyth drops a Victorian Dress.

As one might expect, it's exclusive to Ailyth, and is her best armour, with 3500 RDM and 10 RST (though it quizzically has a -10 to AVD.) Yes, values on weapons and armour take a massive jump in the last few laps.

Thyodor is still a huge threat because he racks up so many gems. He doesn't drop anything useful anymore though, so it's possible to just bypass him and just kill Lenneth during laps if you don't need his experience or can't be bothered to take the time to wear him down.

Enemy AI continues to do silly things like having two creatures Suspend one character in the same turn.

With Diminish Missile Archer hell is no longer bad, just really long and tedious since you have to watch them plink away at your characters harmlessly and they're usually all spread out.

Still fantastic.

Since in the Gate characters have five slots for Tactics, once you've filled up on all the good ones (First Aid, Enlightenment/Fists of Iron, Diminish Missile, Reduce Magic) you start to look for alternatives if the character doesn't have a good siege skill. Knockout Blow is a good choice since it lets you get in free hits, Natalia can get better chances of Instant Death, and some characters can even generate enough attacks to get a Soul Crush all on their own.

I actually do some resetting on some maps to find a good strategy to surround and kill the boss in one turn when they approach so I won't have to waste turns and time watching all their adds swarm me and forcing me to spend turns with Union Plumes. Transposition is really good in that regard - typically I have Liese Sap Guard, Natalia Transpose into a better position, start a siege with Arngrim to whittle a bit of health down, and finish the siege with Auguste to take advantage of Killer Instinct.

Hey, I finally find a use for Crystals! Since there's almost no big height disparity in the Gate, you can use them as a lure when the Bosses just won't come to you.

You also get to see some characters' 'casting' poses.

The floor just before the Queen is special - all the enemies here can drop an item. Three of them are just a copy of Grave Blessing/Transposition and a Wand of Apocalypse, but the other two are much more useful, depending on your party.

The Laevatinn has 2000 ATK, 3 attacks and is SC enabled. It also has an innate property that makes it stronger as the wielder starts losing health. Any Swordsman instantly becomes your best damage dealer, especially in cases where you're just reviving characters.

The Soothsayer Bow has 2000 ATK, 3 attacks and is SC enabled. The immense attack power means the Othinus' Bow finally takes a rest. Any Archers suddenly become that much more deadly.
And here's our scene.

Middle-aged warrior who is talking either to or about Rosea all day, every day. Despite his claims that she looks just like his late wife, the consensus is that it still doesn't give him the right to act like a stalker. That Thyodor was able to tolerate Duwain as a friend is a testament to just how charitable his heart truly was.
Everyone's favorite Artolian idol, the Saintess Rosea. One might be surprised to learn that back in their days at the royal court, Rosea actually held the free-spirited Lieselotte in the highest esteem. It was the thought that the person she most admired had betrayed her that drove Rosea over the edge. That still doesn't make it alright to stab people all of a sudden, Saintess.
Happy-go-lucky teen-witch who life has taken her from the slums to the palace and back again. It was at the palace that her gift for magic was realized, and for once in her life she finally felt fulfilled. Though she quarreled all day and night with her mentor, Sir Cennair, underneath the bickering laid a deep sense of filial love.
Having his death constructed as her doing, and moreover, believing she was betrayed by the one she respected as deeply as Rosea caused her to lose all faith in justice and honor. Friendship between girls is a perilous thing...
Assuming a false name and entering the royal court in hopes of restoring his house's standing, the scoundrel Fauxnel framed Rosea and Liselotte for the murder of Sir Cennair, which he himself committed quite by accident. Not content to merely implicate his fellow mages, he actually went so far as to have them banished, showing that he's far more unscrupulous than your common scoundrel.
In his defense, however, his guilt has pushed him to become a better magus. And he's remained loyal to the clan he vowed to redeem, so perhaps there are grounds to grant him clemency.
...But you'd have to ask Rosea and Lieselotte about that. Still, having to work alongside those two is certainly deserving of some mercy.
Castaway samurai taken in by Sir Cennair. His upbringing rendered him familiar with social graces, but his memory has never been able to keep pace. Three paces, to be precise - the number it takes him to forget the name of whomever he has just met. He commonly refers to Wylfred as "you," "guy," and "you, the guy with the pigtails."
Rosea and Lieselotte's feud was the first he'd ever witnessed between women, and it left him a bit wary of entering a relationship. Ever.