Part 92: Lap 10
Lap 10

It's the final lap! Well, sort of, since the last skit will be covered in a separate update.

The game throws plenty of nasty things at you, but with the new super weapons, it's really not so bad. Most of the bosses still fall pretty easily.

Bye Gabriel!

Enemies' stats are high-ish but tolerable, which is fine because sometimes you just get swarms of them.

Rogues get really annoying in this lap since they'll dodge 95% of your attacks unless you hit them from behind. They go down like a ton of bricks after you actually do land a hit.

The Hamsters will actively go after you now.

Which leads to things like... well, this. Ailyth will also drop another Truthade, if you want two for some burning reason.

Arngrim is the first character that can reach 99,999 HP, at level 94. Sorcerers and Ailyh are the only characters that won't reach it by level 99 (though with the exception of Lockswell/Fauxnel/Langrey, they can reach it using the Material Earring.)

Thyodor is still probably the most dangerous boss aside from the Queen.

For our special prize, Lenneth coughs up the tri-Emblem.

It increases all stats except HP by 30%. Swordsmen, Archers or Lancers will probably get the best benefit from it since they can't reach 9999 ATK without a Might Reinforce. Otherwise, Sorcerers will probably make the best use of it.
(Truthade is still the best accessory.)

Half the time I feel like I should really get more into pop culture so I can understand these references.

Sadly the fabled Grade A Fish will never be seen.

The lap before Lenneth has Leaf Ladies, who are notable just for one thing...

The huge amounts of experience they cough up.

Also on that floor... the most dangerous enemies of them all... tri-Ace staff!
(They're actually just standard, if weak, foes. No special lines or anything.)
The penultimate floor is also special! Presenting...

Reruns of bosses nobody cares about!

Eir Soul Crush
It does mean I can actually get a video of Eir.

The Aesir Bunch can be dangerous, in that they can all do Soul Crushes and are immune to status effects (they're all also resistant to Holy,) but they're not overly so, and they all still fall like paper easily. Eir's probably the most dangerous, being a Sorceress now that they're actually threatening again, followed by Tyr and Ull, but there's no real priority to taking them down.

And fall they do.

And finally!

The Queen has enough health that it's near impossible to take her down in one combo. I've managed about 600k with our current party, so I imagine it might be possible, but I'm not willing to take the effort to grind other characters to do it.

It's more important to take out her allies - you do not want her getting extra turns and the Griffins and Golems can Freeze/Petrify you.

The Mirror Plate isn't quite good enough to weaken her damage sufficiently now (Arngrim takes about half his life with Phantom Destruction,) but the Cloak of Brittania is still enough to make a mocking of her. I give Natalia the Omnicheck over the Power Bangle - it's worth the slight loss of power just to have Natalia essentially immune to her tricks.

She does this twice. It's annoying.

The Queen can and will annihilate anyone who's not wearing a Cloak of Britannia since her damage is so high - I don't even bother with Reduce Magic on Auguste anymore and he basically takes over 150k+ damage every time the Queen touches him.

In the end, she falls after two concentrated assaults.

Well, we've hit level 99, so... I guess I can use this on other people if I ever want to run it again.

From here, we'd start back from Lap 10 if we were to load up that file again.
There are no words. Our eldest daughter can only hope her day in the sun will someday come. Chin up, Hrist!
Nether realm guard dog that has found the chew toy she always wanted in Wylfred. Ailyth assumes whichever form suits her in Nifleheim, and can at a whim completely alter her human appearance--including her gender.
Seraphic Gate-crasher who popped in while making the rounds in the transmigratory wheel. Against his better judgment, Arngrim tried to take the whole Alicia kerfuffle up with Odin directly, and now waits to be reborn, die, and made einherjar by Lenneth.
Everyone's favorite fighting fairy godmother is still kicking, taking out Ether Strike hits for her godfather Odin. The heretofore unmatched fury of her scowl derives from her lack of lines in the main story.


The Angel SlayerTM is the reward for all 10 Laps. It has 7800 ATK, three attacks, and SC enabled. It is also the only multi-class weapon, being usable by Swordsmen, Warriors, Lancers, Ushio, Natalia, and Auguste. You know, if you ever wanted to run the last Lap again.