The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 3: -Shady dealings and dead bodies everywhere-

Viash posted:

Can I request that the next time you get in battle, you take a bunch of screenshots of it and explain it? I've always heard that this game has a really cool battle system, but I don't know anything about it.

Once I get through the intro stories I'll put up some battle explainations for those who haven't played before. (EDIT: Ok looks like everyone else is doing that for me )

Also I'm going to start using waffleimages instead of photobucket because this thread has eaten up 25% of photobuckets monthly bandwidth allowance in one day. If the images in the first two posts die I'll rehost them. Does anyone know what the bandwidth allowances are like with waffleimages? If anyone else can recommend cheap or free image hosting that won't be ruined by this thread please let me know.

Alright enough chit-chat. SUPER MEGA LONG UPDATE TIME GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

-Shady dealings and dead bodies everywhere-
Arngrim sits in his room and broods over the meaning of life. Elsewhere, certain plans are put into motion.

In a dusty room on the otherside of town, a meeting is taking place.

Meet Badrach. He has the voice and demeanor of someone who only accpets payment in alcohol.

The days before UPS were indeed a dark time. Badrach and the agent agree on a price and conclude their business. 007 then heads over to Arngrim's place.

Just a side note, but I'm used to people named Roland kicking a lot more ass than you guy.

Arngrim's a regular babe magnet these days. Arngrim signs up with the Agent.

You know how when loved ones say they're going to be away for a few days, but to you it feels like a lifetime? Oh wait...

The next day

Arngrim shows his enthusiasm by responding in his native language, Squall. After some friendly banter they begin their journey.

Three days later

It's dialogue like this that makes great games.


The dust looked to have been kicked up by a group of Artolian Calvery.
It seemed like they were chasing something, but I never imagined it was us...

I don't have a chance in hell of outrunning this cop.
Not in this heap.
The only question left is whether I'm going to kill him or not.
Tough call.
For all I know, he's an honest cop, regular guy.
Working stiff with a mortgage, a wife, and a pile of kids.
My hand moves on its own, sliding of my guns to my lap and thumbing back the hammer.
I don't know what to do.

God I love Sin City. Anyway the guards stop us to check out our crate.

Arngrim thinks about making a hasty retreat, but not before seeing what the guards take out of the crate.

Apparently transporting Kermit across state lines is a felony here in Artolia. Badrach and Arngrim run for it while the guards stand there and watch.

Wait, didn't we already run?

In all the excitment Arngrim falls back on his tried and true catchphrase.

Oh man there isn't a big enough.

Well at least this all makes sense now.
As Arngrim and Badrach sit around discussing their next move they hear screams coming from back the way they came. They rush to investigate.

Goddamn!! Whatever evil crap that is kicked the shit out of the guards.

Hey remember when we tried to arrest you guys? See that was just a joke. Can you come save my ass from this demon now?

Oh great.

Lombert was playign two hands. He knew the abduction was going to be discovered, so he sent some "medicine" along with the search party----
If we made it all the way to Vilnore, no problem. But if we were discovered, the Calvary would use the "Medicine"...
He knew the princess would be unconcious if she was found. The medicine's effect was as you see.

Ok I have to say, as far as evil villans go Lombert really has all his bases covered. I mean the man thinks ahead.

I have to say that's a lot cooler than cyanide.

Oh great now princess demon is summoning more friends.

Badrach takes off while Arngrim decides to go the death before dishonor route.

This ain't looking to good.


Valkyrie starts doling out the beatings. Not to be shown up Arngrim joins the fray!

Oh, what's that?

After the battle Arngrim heads to Atrolia to tie up some lose ends. Valkyrie on the other hand...

She ganks the princess's tasty white soul and disappears.

Back in Artolia

Arngrim confronts Lombert about his plans.

Yeah Kick his ass Seabass!




Meanwhile Jelanda is begging for Valkyrie to intervene.

Ok wait, what the fuck happened to Jelanda's legs? She looks like a goddamn scarecrow.

Lombery starts with the monologing when suddenly...

Hells yeah!


We knock the Geritol out of his old ass. Valkyrie vanishes, leaving Arngrim to deal with the guards.

Arrogant as fuck. I love it.

Yes, come Arngrim, follow always the path .

While Arngrim tries to decide if he's willing to give up his prismatic ways the Knight Captain bursts in the room.

Do I have any regrets...?

And thus ends the life of the king of asswhupping. Luckily for us we don't actually use any living characters so this is a good thing.

I don't know why Arngrim is so happy at the though of spending his afterlife with the frog queen, but whatever. Now we finally have some warriors we can work with. Sorry for the insane length of this update, but I really wanted to get through Arngrim's story so we can get into the dungeons/fighting/other awesome stuff. In the next update or two you guys can start giving me recomendations for stuff as well.

I may have another small update later tonight, or it may have to wait until tomorrow.

Next episode:
-Training Time-