The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 41

This place is a ton of fun.

I spend a lot of time in here tryign to not let too much fire rain down on my head. It's not a pleasant experience.

If you try to go up top here you'll get ruined by the fire.

So we'll throw down a little ice...

And bounce ourselves across. You can do this to cross lots of small gaps where you don't have roomm to jump.

I don't know if this is supposed to be a puzzle for retards or what...

Whee . This switch opens up a door to the rear. I continue in.

Remember how we did that little ice jump earlier? That's the theme for this place.

Jump, get loot. Jump, get loot. You get the idea.

More fun with jumping puzzles.

I use the floating platform to get to this area.

I drop down to collect my payoff.

3 down, 5 left.

I hop around some more to get in here.

Oh and by the way I did have to kill a few guys on the way here, but the only really annoying ones were the figments. They use the hell out of their fire moves which are no fun.

Ok I head to the back. There's one last puzzle before i get to kick the bosses head in.

Ok take one vase.

Carry it over here.

And catch as much fire in it as you can without getting burned.

Alright, time to rock out on the boss.

Yeah well, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna kick the shit out of you in the first turn so...

Throw down.

Silly Arngrim, how did you get turned to ice in the Flame Palace?

Pwned noob!

Woo, nice drop there.

And now for the payoff...

I take it all this time because I can afford to be a greedy artifact whore now. Well, that was a good time. Two dungeons left and we can get to the next chapter. Also our sealrating is hovering around 2 now, so we should be all set for the good ending.

More updates tomorrow friends.