The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 5: -Episode number whatever: New Recruits-

-Episode number whatever: New Recruits-

Ok so we left off sitting on a pile of Godly treasure and pondering what to do with it all.

I kept the Grimrist, and I rectract my earlier statement about it because I completely forgot about it's pretty sweet insta-death properties.

Odin can have his stupid Sealed Box back, as the best I can do with it transmute it into some potion later on.

I also got some event exp . Event exp can be distributed to your characters to further level them up. I like saving it for emergancy use if I encounter a boss that's just too badass (hah).

Well, this place is clean, so we head for the dungeon's exit. Before heading back the the overworld Freya decides to hold a little palaver. She has to leave now, but she'll want us to report in to her.

Oh and she also takes a minute to shit on Arngrim.

Apparently she doesn't think Arngrim's funky enough to be a Globetrotter. Too bad bitch, cause I'm gonna use him forever.

K thx la!

I head out to the world map.

Fuck, I love this game. At first I was pissed when I found out there's a limit to how many places you can visit, but you really have plenty of time. It's just kinda slick how there is always the shadow of Ragnarok hanging over you.

Before I warm up the old einherjar detector I go back to Artolia and head over to Arngrim's house.

Hmm, Roland must be at physical therapy. We head into Arngrim's room. Hey Arngrim, what's that old sword?

Slayer swords are super-neat! Right now if I fought a dragon I could expect to hit it for a whopping 1 damage. With the Dragon Slayer sowrd I can pretty much kill one in a single turn. The only drawback is it has a 5% chance of breaking when used. However this chance is only taken into account if the enemy gets a turn. So the trick is to wipe out all the bad guys in a single turn and then your stuff won't break.

Ok back to the worldmap.

Just for the people who haven't played this before, you can see it cost me one period to visit Artolia and get Arngrim's sword. It usually cost 1-3 periods to visit any area.

I put on my scouter to see who's gonna die next.

Oh goody-goody!

This sounds like a fun place to visit! Glad we don't have anywhere like this in the real world. Let's watch the fun.

Oh man I love parades! That sure is a weird looking float there in the middle.

What a happy town.

Enter Llewelyn, who while not being the most powerful character, is one of my personal favorites because everything he does is so tragic. That and I loved him in The Sixth Sense.

What a forgiving girlfriend, She's a keeper Louie!

Ok so she's kind of a hippy, but we can deal.

Crusade baby, not war. That makes it ok . By the by, I love that he's going to war and looks about 10 years old.

Well it's my 10th birthday. Time to go to war and get married. This kids gonna be dead by 16. Actually that could never happen in such a nice story as this. I'm sure they will both encounter many hardships but because of the strength of their love they will pull through to the end.


This game is so delightfully fucked up.

Valkyrie has a heartwarming chat with Llewelyn in the afterlife to make him feel better.

She really knows how to pep a guy up. "Hey not only is it your fault for dying, but you may as well have killed the woman you love too."

Aww...then Unchained Melody plays in the background as the screen fades to black.

Ok we got ourselves another soul people. I'll be back for another update later this afternoon. We've got another recruit showing up and then some more asskicking to do after that.

One question: How is the pace/length of updates going for you all? Are you looking for more updates that are shorter in length? Or should I try to tackle larger parts in one go? I hope you all are having as much fun reading this as I am playing/writing.