The Let's Play Archive

Valkyrie Profile

by Esdim

Part 51

Woo Dipan!

You really have to wonder how long this guy had been sitting here monolouging until I came around.

Um, I'm not interrupting anything am I?

Er, it's Odin, not Satan.

Ok bring it with your little punk ass.

Oh no his power level is increasing!!

Oh dear me.

This guy is actually kinda tough, so we unleash all kinda of Hell on him.

Arngrim puts him down in short order. Well glad that's over.

But I already killed you...

Yeah so this ass gets back up and you get to kill him twice.

Well it's not gonna happen by fighting this faggot over and over. Let's go explore.

See kids, keep your room clean or the FUCKING UNDEAD WILL COME FOR YOU!

Not too much new stuff here. I can tear through most of the monsters here now. The only annoying ones are the Life Stealers:

Because they heal themselves and make Lawfer faint all the time.

I make my way down to the basement.

He he he he.
What is it?
I realized something interesting.
Something interesting?
If we can do it right, we can send that loathesome dog beyond the reaches of time-
I see.
As usual, your methods are sublime.
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Valkyrie NOOOOOO!!!!

To be continued...