Part 2: Old Town
Alright, here's part 2. The text in the spoiler tag isn't spoiling anything. It's commentary I wanted to put in a smaller font, but the forums don't let me.
Here's our second look at the streets of Prague.

The barrels are breakable and have things inside them that we can use... this case, a rusty broadsword. What's in the other one?

Nothing. Nothing's in the other one. For some reason it seems that half the barrels and treasure chests in the game don't have anything inside of them. Like some other hack-and-slash game I can't think of, there's a ton of loot to be had. I figure it would be pretty boring if I show everything I pick up, like, Here's another dagger, or something, so I'll only mention the good stuff we find. Let's head to the left...

...and talk to this guy.
Watch Christof be rude here

*We couldn't afford voice actors with convincing french accents

Christof sure ended that conversation quick, huh? He obviously has a problem empathizing with people, which is probably why the closest thing to a friend he has is Sir Cuthbert. When we follow the path to the left of the knights...

We come across an inn. Let's head inside.

Watch here.

All that my humble inn can provide translates into one health potion. That's all we can do in the inn, so let's head out and around the corner.

It's worth noting that when you pick up consumables and the like, they'll automatically go into your quickbar if you've got room. Otherwise they'll go into the inventory.

Up ahead, there's a blacksmith.
Watch Christof talk to himself

Let's head inside.

Watch conversation

I don't know why we get this dialogue choice. What we're doing isn't a secret, and even if it was, the innkeeper already knows about it. I guess if we want Christof to be an asshole and we don't know that yet we could take the first option, but let's see where this goes.

He said that like a pervert would.

I get the feeling that Christof brings up God whenever a conversation heads south, so people will leave him alone.

Gypsy, huh? That sounds evil to Christof, a sheltered Crusader! Still, he can't pass up the thought of some more flirting, so he'll dance around the issue to see if he finds out if the gypsy is female.

Well, he's not biting, so forget it.

Her potions, huh? Thanks for confirming my suspicions! Christof thinks.

Christof may be a flirt, but he's not willing to sacrifice his soul for that. At least, not yet. Because you guys haven't said if he should or not.

Or maybe he is. This would be consistent if there was a majority who do or don't want it.

This is the blacksmith's inventory, which opens up as soon as that conversation ends. As you can see, we can't buy most of the stuff, but we can sell our rusty broadsword. I know of another broad-sword that won't be rusty after a little visit to our gypsy friend Heh... Sorry.

+17 gold. Hurray. We're not gonna buy anything else from our friend, the blacksmith.

Just so ya know, we didn't lose or gain any humanity from the conversation. Let's go.

Directly across from the blacksmith is the gate to Judith bridge, which leads to the gypsy's shop in the Golden Lane.

Head down the bridge...

Go through the gate...

...and there's the shop. Unorna, huh?
Watch Christof talk to himself again

Christof, I think we all know you want to go in there.
Watch the conversation


I think the operative term is 'Final Death', Christof.

Turns out that this isn't true, so we're not gonna buy anything from her.

We can't afford anything except a stake, anyway, and that only has a chance to paralyze vampires. I find it's not even worth using, but if you guys wanna see it, let me know.

*Not so subtle attempt at foreshadowing
'Young one' reminds me that I should bring up the expected lifespan of one that lives in the 1000's. Here's what 'The Year 1000: What Life Was Like At the Turn of the First Millennium - An Englishman's World' has this to say:
"Life was short. A boy of twelve was considered old enough to swear an oath of allegiance to the king, while girls got married in their early teens, often to men who were significantly older than they were. Most adults died in their forties, and firty-year-olds were considered venerable indeed."
Interesting, huh? She sure is an old-looking 50 year old! Either the writers didn't do their research or they already had the old woman model rendered. Still, someone's got to take the blame.

Let's leave and head back to old town.

Before we head out to the mines. Let's do a quick tour of the remaining places in old town.

That'll be an important place, later.

So will this one. We'll be going into the university a lot. Turns out Christof gains an affection for vampires while in the mine, gives up his Crusading ways, and goes for an undergrad in Vampireology.

We need to go through the Bonn Mountains to get to the mine, but let's talk to that old man, first.
Watch the medieval equivalent of a 911 truther

Have we nailed that point down yet? Prague isn't safe at night, do ya get it? Wait.. what's that about a castle? Oh well, let's go into the mountains.
As soon as we exit Prague, the knights guarding the gate start a conversation with us.
Watch Christof not know how to interact with the common folk

Christoff doesn't have anything to say to that, so let's head down the path.

What's this?
Watch Christof wish he was at a medieval poetry slam, instead

Edgar Allen Poe, eat your fucking heart out.

We're at the entrance to the mines, and that's the end of part two!