Part 4: Old Town by Night

We start by collecting the gold on Ahzra's throne. Our quest log is flashing, so let's see what's next.

So our next stop is back into town, but first let's check out the item the boss dropped.

We'll hang on to this, but continue to use the rapier for now.

I'm actually kinda surprised that a shortcut opened up and we didn't have to go back through the mines with all the enemies respawned. As we go up the stairs, a cutscene triggers.
Watch Christof be Christof

Uh.. sure, Christof. Whatever keeps you going. It'll be interesting to see if that naivete lasts. Let's continue out the mine.

If you notice, this is where that cutscene triggered earlier where Christof was brainstorming lines for his memoir.

Even if we didn't want to talk to this knights, they talk to us first.
Watch Christof brag and hear the voice actor distort the mic

Kaboom Dragoon pointed this out earlier, but look at Christof's right hand! It looks like a giant fucking turkey leg is attached to the end of his arm.

Is there something wrong with your hand, Christof? It kinda looks like this. Oh well. Let's head inside.

Before we go to the inn, let's go to the blacksmith to sell some of this junk I mean loot we picked up from inside the mine.

Watch Christof spout a oneliner


We'll sell some stuff...

Buy some stuff...

Equip some stuff...

and finally sell those rags. Let's head back to the inn.

Watch everybody ignore the bartender

Turns out that this is the last potion we can get here.

On to the cathedral

Which is conveniently right next to the convent.
Watch conversation

Too bad it isn't an actual usable item. Was this seriously how good deeds were rewarded for crusaders in medieval times? Here, have some jewelry.

I'm impressed. Christof is actually using his brain.

But he's still a submissive bitch when it comes to authority. The conversation ends, and our quest log gets updated.


As soon as we exit the cathedral, we're greeted by this crowd.
Watch Christof be the medieval debbie downer

The short story in the manual mentions that Christof is a crusader in the 'Order of the Swordbrethren'. Sir Cuthbert also mentioned this is his letter.


He didn't even say anything to them! They must have realized how socially awkward Christof is and walked off.

To the convent
Watch the most embarrassing cutscene in the game

We? There's nobody else in the room other than you and Christof!

Fair Maiden, you can scale my battlements any day!

Milord! Is that a knife in your armor or are you just happy to see me?

I was kidding with those shitty medieval pickup lines, but Christof is apparently serious with them.

What? Does Christof seriously think Anezka is a prostitute or something? You can sell this for a lot at the medieval pawnshop, I swear!

I hope the writers got sick coming up with these lines. Whatever. The conversation ends, and our quest log is updated...

...but there's no new quest. We're given the option to talk to Anezka again, so let's see what she has to say.
Watch Anezka brush Christof off

You're kind of creeping me out, Christof. I hope God can help with that. Could you please leave now?

Is that candle on the shelf bigger than Christof's head? Am I seeing that right?
Watch Christof act like a child

We're immediately interrupted by the archbishop in room adjacent to where Anezka is.

Did you seriously try to bribe her into sex?

Another time and place where my hand isn't a fucking club.

Do I detect a hint of jealously, Geza? And is 'out of thy star' the medieval version of 'out of your league'?

I assume he's talking about the battle with Sir Cuthbert in the beginning cutscene. That's the only thing that makes that comment work.

Well, we know Christof is a sucker for being ordered around, but his lust for Anezka still comes through.

That's like something a kid would say. I'll take a time-out, but my computer is still in my room!

Harumph indeed. The screen fades out, and we're treated with a rendered cutscene.
Watch the sun go in, sun go out, no miscommunication. You can't explain that!

As you can see, our quest log is updated again, but let's check out the character screen first.

Note our increased resistances to damage because of our new armor. Also note that our humanity has not changed.

Let's get to it.

Yeah, that's a szlachta trying to hide behind the inn wall.

There's another one up ahead.

The quest log said to protect all of old town -- and you can certainly go explore the other parts -- but the next encounter is back near the convent. I don't know what they were thinking.

Watch Christof get jumped

Gizzard? Christof is not a turkey. Although, his right hand might be made of it.

That's a little too close.

This is the hardest fight in the game up to this point, and I swear it's random whether Christof wins or loses. It's just too random whether your attacks hit or miss, as well as the enemies. You might as well just flip a coin.

In the cutscene, they're just called Revenants, but now they're Premysl Revenants. Here's some lore from the manual on that:
"Revenants are families of ghoul servants that have been fed vitae for so many generations that they are now born with a tiny amount of vampiric blood already in their system. This allows them to exist as ghouls without needing to drink a vampires blood; something all other ghouls must do in order to retain their supernatural powers."
Very interesting. With that done, a loud scream from the convent emerges and a cutscene immediately triggers.

Watch out, Christof is swinging his meatfist in anger. Could they not have had that happen a little bit farther away? Oh well, to the convent!

Watch cutscene

I see Geza is in the 'anger' stage of coping.

But not Anezka's purity? Interesting...

Like the fight outside, this one is pretty random too. But it's not as bad, since there are only two revenants.

Cutscene time!

Oh yeah, Anezka certainly did a lot.


My one arm, because my other one is pretty useless with this growth on the end of it.

The screen fades out, and that's the end of part 4.