Part 5: The Embrace
I didn't want to include this in part 4 for length reasons, but I don't want to include this in part 5 either because it'll be too long as well. So here's part 4.5I think these scenes (the first one, anyway) are really well done and should speak for themselves, so I'm not gonna commentate much.
We immediately fade in from the previous conversation between Christof and Anezka.
Watch conversation

The prince, huh? Remember that old man who talked about the vampires coming from the castle?

The screen fades back to the convent...
Watch conversation

I tried to bribe you into sex! I swear I didn't mean it!

Milord! Look thou, a contrived plot device!

Christof exits the convent...

... and we get another rendered cutscene. Be sure to watch the video, but here's some screenshots of it.
Watch cutscene *VERY IMPORTANT*

That's the end of this half-part. Can someone explain what's up with her face? It's never explained in-game.