Part 11: Vienna Streets

As soon as we click on the east exit, we're in Vienna. I'm disappointed that there wasn't a cutscene or anything. Check out that door on the right.

By the way, Strasse means Street in German.

Not much of a haven.

That's more like it.

We still have access to the stuff we put in our Prague vault.

There's a coffin that we can rest in, but there's no point right now.

Interestingly, Stradt doesn't mean anything in German, as far as I know. It could be a misspelling of Stadt, which translates to city, but you'd think they'd try to get it right. It is a last name, though.

Like Prague, there are guards in a lot of places, so attacking and feeding on civilians is pretty difficult to do without attracting attention from the guards.

Let's check out the Vienna blacksmith.


But not new armor. We can't afford that.

I guess in the one second it took to travel from Prague to Vienna, they lost a lot of blood.

Erik, you look like you're half werewolf or something. I don't think manners are high on your priority list.

It looks like Christof's meat fist has been cured by putting on chainmail.

Serena is not intimidating in the slightest.

There are more things to buy than in Prague, but we can't really afford any of the new stuff right now.

Up ahead is a door to Count Orsi's mansion. Our quest log is empty, but remember Count Orsi? Anezka was shipped off to him. This seems like the logical place to go.

What? How does Erik even know what's inside?

This is a dead end, so we have to explore Vienna more to find out what to do.

There's a campfire with nobody around it.


Well, if that fortress doesn't say evil, I don't know what does.

In the shipping manifest we found in the Tremere Chantry, it said that Count Orsi was going to ship the slaves to the Haus de Hexe. Maybe this is where we're supposed to go.

Or not.

Back to the drawing board.

I'm just trying every where at this point.


Huh? He doesn't look anything like the Tremere in the chantry!

Oh wait! Did I forget to mention I can do that?

Wilhem is my favorite character because he's the only one that seems to act rationally.

Maybe he can give us instruction on where to go.

Or not. He's the Vienna version of the gypsy from Prague. Let's leave

So, remember that we can feed on mortals for blood? This seems to be the only safe spot where we can do so, because there aren't any other civilians around to call the guards.

Check out that door on the left. Let's go in there.



But we already know where he is!

They just happen to have an invitation handy for us.

That sounded more like a nervous laugh than anything.

Now we finally get an entry in our quest log.

But we still have to pick up the invitation that was sitting on the bench.

Let's talk to the bartender.

I don't know what to say to that...

It's time to crash this party

Those are the same girls from the inn, who somehow got here before we did.


And we're ready to fight you if we have to.

I really don't like Orsi.

Fuck this guy.

But Thou Must!

If he's locked himself away, how is he causing trouble?

Oh, sorry. I read the script.

It said pause, not giggle like a pervert.

Finally. Our quest log has two new entries.


I only have eyes for Anezka.

So, I bought better equipment and some Blood Pearls from the Order of Hermes, which refill our bloody supply by 55. The equipment is just better versions of what we currently have, and just increase our resistances.

But I did buy a better sword for Wilhem.

And more arrows for Serena.

Let's continue.

There's nothing to do in the inner stradt, other than get to the rooftops.

We have to go through this house to do so.

After climbing some stairs and exiting out a window, we're on the rooftops. We've got to head to a clocktower, which sound like it could be difficult, but there's a linear path straight to it.

Watch the sun come up

We find Luther Black next time.