Part 15: Vysehrad Castle

Even though it's been pointed out by others in the thread how irrational it is to believe that some Gangrel pact with the Werewolves would protect us, I wouldn't put it past this game to make us fight a werewolf now that Erik is dead.

Oh. That's ok, don't have a transition or anything. Just fade the screen in - that's good enough.

Yeah, we were supposed to tell Ecaterina about the Tremere pact with the Teutonic Knights. That's probably important and won't be forgotten at all.

Old town doesn't look like it's in very good shape.

And the sky is now red, for some reason. Let's head inside.


Funny that this all happened while you were away.

Oh, were you expecting an explanation as to how this all happened?

I think this game was written by a high school freshman who looked up a bunch of literary devices on the internet and tried to shoehorn them in as much as possible.

Both Wilhem and Christof are elders, now. I'm pretty sure Christof has only been a vampire for a few days.

All the places we could previously access are now locked.

And the area to the blacksmith is completely cut off.


So now people are finally fed up with vampires because they were revealed to be in the castle? I don't know.

We're immediately teleported into Vysehrad Castle.

The main enemies of this dungeon are the Tzimisce. They like to use Drawing out the Beast, and beckoning to summon those Szlachta we first encountered in the Silver Mines. Other than that, they like to use their claws in melee combat.

Other than those V-Neck robes, I really like the Tzimisce model. I think it's one of the more creepy models in the game. Their running animation is kind of stupid, and they've got this weird exorcistesque head shaking animation that is kind of distracting.


If you remember, I bought a dot in Psychic Projection.

It's kind of useful for seeing what's ahead, but not really worth using.

Christof! The asker of infinite, repetitive questions!

Was this meant to be the blurb on the back of the Vampire: the Masquerade - Redemption novel?

Great action-hero line.

These revenants are a lot easier now that we've increased our stats so much since we fist encountered them.

I found this helm in a chest. We'll equip it on Christof and continue on.

We can't just jump down this hole.

War Ghouls are back, and they're still pretty difficult because of this uppercut they like to use. I fucking love this screenshot, by the way.

The wolves explode into piles of gore after one or two hits.

When the Tzimisce swing their right arm it goes all Mr. Fantastic on us. I don't know if it's a glitch or something, but I couldn't get a good screenshot of it.

We can see the entrance to the third level of the dungeon as soon as we enter the second, but again, we can't just jump down there.

2 War Ghouls 1 Hallway

Celerity and Feral Claws is a really effective combination.

It looks like these guys are guarding another tome.

This is getting ridiculous.


That red book stands out a lot, but it's not an item or anything.

I don't know why we keep getting these items we can't use.

The Tzimisce really like to use Drawing out the Beast.

There are a few cells in the castle, but there's not anything special in them.

I found this platemail in a chest. It's got better stats than the half-plate, but it doesn't look any different than the half-plate on our characters.


I wonder what's behind this big door.


This boss is really difficult. It likes to use this one-hit-kill attack where it will grab one of our party members and bite their head.
Here's some information on what Vozh are from Vissitude...
Vicissitude posted:
Vozhd. War ghouls taken to the logical extreme. When you have a beast made from the fleshcrafting of a half dozen peasants, why not try a dozen? Or two dozen? Or even more? The usual method is to slap the whole thing together, feed it some blood to ghoul the beast, and then start doing some fine tuning. Claws, teeth, massive frame, those are the kinds of features that your average Tzimisce looks for. The vozhd are mindless brutes, controlled through the blood bond and Koldunism, but there are always exceptions to the rule, right? The domitor must have enough Animalism to attempt to combine the entire creation's psyche into one giant Beast. There are at least two instances of a vozhd being or becoming self-aware. One is trapped in Hunedora castle with the Iconnu. The other learned a rudimentary understanding of Obfuscate and supposedly still stalks the rural parts of Europe and Asia.
...and a reply from Xenocides.
Xenocides posted:
One sad point is that vohzd are rare in the modern era. They are just too noticeable and are huge Masquerade breaches waiting to happen. While the Sabbat publicly says the Masquerade is rubbish they actually do take some care to avoid breaches that overt. They are occasionally used but only in controlled attacks. The sewer infestation in Bloodlines is also an anomaly (along with being way too long).

Well, that didn't go very well.

I've got a strategy to kill the Vozhd without much trouble, but we have to rest to get a new spell first.

Four dots in Prison of Ice, four points in dexterity, one point in wits.

One dot in Potence, one dot in Celerity, one dot in Majesty, one dot in Awe.

One dot in Summon Soul, 9 points in Stamina, 12 points in Dexterity.

Boss fight!

inflatablefish pointed out that Summon Soul helps in the boss fight, so we'll start out by using that.

Prison of Ice completely freezes the Vozhd in its tracks, leaving it completely vulnerable to our attacks.

Prison of Ice makes that fight a joke.


ZearothK posted:
Damn, I just realized this game is a reenactment of Super Mario 1 with vampires.
Of course the Princess is in another castle.
How right you are.

What's this?

That voice... sounds like Vukodlak is talking through Libussa.

Christof is officially plugging his ears, saying La la la! I'm not listening!