Part 18: Setite Temple

Here's a map of east London before we head into the Setite temple.

This dungeon is full of Egyptian imagery, but what's strange is that we don't find any imagery of the Nile river, which the Egyptian civilization depended on to help grow crops. It was of extreme importance to the Egyptians, and I'd like to think that it'd be mentioned in Setite lore, somehow.

These Setites are the main enemy of this dungeon.

They like to use 'Eyes of the Serpent', which is like the Followers of Set version of Awe. That big door up ahead is locked, so we'll have to do something about that.

The shotgun is actually a pretty good weapon, but in order for our party to use ranged weapons effectively we need to control them directly. The AI is absolutely useless with ranged weapons. Their attack pattern is incredibly slow, and they'll shoot at walls if there's an enemy behind them.

Here's a switch to unlock that door. Let's head to the right of the door, first...

...and check out that wall up ahead.

So, this is a little bit of Setite mythology, which I'm going to rely on others to explain for me, because I don't know the full story and how it relates to the actual Egyptian portrayal of Set.

Let's go through that door we unlocked.

The Setites have some very powerful weapons, like this grenade launcher. If they're clustered in a group, and a good number of them have weapons of this caliber, it can be a very challenging fight.

They really like to summon these snakes.

Notice how the armor t-shirt reverts the equipped character's clothing to what it looked like when they don't have any armor equipped.

The flamethrower is another damaging weapon the Setites have.

Let's clip through the wall and hit this switch to progress further in the dungeon.

Some of the Setites charge into combat without any weapons at all, and just use their fists and legs.

I don't know what that weapon is the Setite in front of us is holding, but it's not very accurate.

We'll equip this on Pink and continue through the dungeon.

This bridge has fireball traps. I wonder how they work.

This switch doesn't unlock the door it's right next to. It unlocks a similar door on the other side of the bridge.

Prison of Ice is still an effective way to cheese every enemy we encounter.

This was the door the lever unlocked. The lever highlighted will unlock the other door. Let's continue.

They just repeat the same hieroglyphs over and over again. I wonder if this even means anything.

Shouldn't that have been the first thing you said when encountering the Setites in this dungeon, Christof?

There's nothing special about these Setites.

These comically sized bars are locked...

...but we need to hit this switch.

Let's head behind us to try to find something to lower the bars.

I fucking love the chainsaw, but this isn't what we need to lower the bars. As long as the attack button is held down, the chainsaw will do a constant stream of damage. Or, it would if the game didn't insist upon having every weapon miss occasionally. The problem with the chainsaw is that it needs to be equipped by the controlled coeterie member, or else the AI will swing it like a baseball bat instead of how it's meant to be used.

There's what we need to lower the bars.

This bridge has fireball traps, as well.

After hitting that switch, the door on the right opens.

In here, we find this useless tome of obfuscate, which we will use on Lily...

...and another lever, which doesn't have an obvious reason for existing.

It turns out we have to head back to this room, because that lever opened on a door that's on our left.

The chainsaw has a pretty good chance of doing this to anybody it's used on.

The fight in this room is the most difficult of the dungeon, so far. A lot of the Setites have these powerful weapons like the flamethrower and grenade launcher.

Time to continue through the dungeon.

What do you know, it's another really difficult fight.

Whatever. Theses braziers are pretty odd.

There are locked doors in this room that we need to go through.

Up here...

...there are parts of the wall we can push in to unlock the doors...

...which will allow us to get down to this area...

...through these hallways.

So, let's do that.

There are snakes under all of these braziers. They aren't difficult to fight, so I guess nihilistic software was just trying to be creepy.

Pink is now diseased as a side-effect of drinking a blood pack. His health will chip away until we cure the disease with a potion, which we don't have. And we can't use walk of the abyss in this area, even if we had the spell and wanted to.

Too bad we can't control two characters at once.

That looks to be the end of the dungeon.

But, of course, we're ambushed before we can get there.

We'll learn more about these later.


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