Part 19: Tower of London
Ramc mentioned that I missed a hidden item, so let's find that before we finish talking to Lucretia.
This is on the first level of the dungeon. Notice how that wall doesn't look exactly right.

Indeed, this is another door to a hidden room.

We can actually see a little bit of this room from another part of the dungeon.

We'll learn more about these in a little bit. Now to go back to Lucretia.

It was a blowout.

Boss fight!

Lucretia is not difficult. She starts out by summoning a snake that dies in a couple hits.

Then it's just a matter of hitting her until she dies. Prison of Ice is also effective, as always.

Lucretia turns into a bunch of snakes, which slither and fade away.

Excellent writing.

Notice that we gained 10 points in Humanity from that choice.

One dot in Prison of Ice, two dots in Fire Storm, 15 points in intelligence, 3 points in manipulation, 5 points in dexterity, 3 points in strength, 1 point in perception.

One dot in Blood Strength, one dot in Blood Dexterity, one dot in Blood Stamina, one dot in Awaken, one dot in Walk the Abyss, one dot in Majesty, one dot in Awe, two dots in Blood Healing, 5 points in intelligence, 11 points in strength, 5 points in dexterity, five points in stamina.

Two dots in Spirits Touch, one dot in Blood Strength, one dot in Blood Dexterity, one dot in Blood Stamina, one dot in Awaken, one dot in Torch, one dot in Fireball, one dot in Flame Ring, one dot in immolate, 19 points in intelligence, one point in strength.

God this is fucking stupid. Not that we have to find her heart, but the fact that we somehow know exactly where it is without any trouble.

These gloves are really good. More info on them coming in a little bit.

I wonder when this will be useful.

These are about as useful as that giant eyeball. Meaning that they aren't useful at all. The only time having heightened senses was useful was to see the obfuscated nosferatu, and they haven't come into play since Joseph's Tunnels.

These gloves are equipped in the arm slots, not the weapon slot...

...and they make whatever weapon is currently equipped in the weapon slot useless. No stat bonuses or anything, and that goes for whatever shields or charms you want to equip in the left hand slot.

The benefit, which really does outshine the disadvantage, is that we get permanent Feral Claws as long as we have the gloves equipped. They always do 15 aggravated damage, regardless of stats or dots in Feral Claws.

Thankfully, we now are allowed to use Walk the Abyss instead of having to walk back through the entire dungeon.

We'll sell some loot to Otto and go back to the Curio shop.

R! pointed out that
R! posted:
Summer Montague is indeed a reference to something. More precisely Montague Summers, an english writer most famous for the english translation of the Malleus Maleficarum.

We'll sell some stuff and head back to our haven.

We know that the tower of London is in east London, but we just have to explore to find out where exactly it is.

I wonder why this wooden shed is there to our left.

Yes, the tower of London is directly behind our haven.

Pink is on a roll. First Margaret Thatcher, now Ann Boleyn - I can't wait to see where he goes next.

That's too bad, because we'll be meeting a lot of them.

The music in the tower of London -- listen here -- absolutely screams science fiction more than horror. It doesn't fit that well, but they were really fucking proud of it because it overpowers all other sounds in the dungeon. It reminds me of this. It's also got this weird filter that's controlled by a step sequencer, which doesn't sound good.

The main enemy of the dungeon are ghoul spiders. There are these small ones which burst out of egg sacks near the wall if we go close to them..

..but these big spiders are the ones that we'll be encountering the most.

There's also torture equipment everywhere. The Tower has a reputation for this sort of stuff, but as far as I can tell, it's pretty exaggerated.

It turns out that the VtMR Tower of London isn't accurate to real life. Who would have thought?

The spiders are pretty easy. Despite this, this dungeon is one of the hardest in the game, I find. Though it is one of my favorite parts.

The crossbow is a pretty good weapon, but any weapon with ammunition in this game annoys me because of all the inventory space the ammunition takes up.

Is this ironic?

I also found this taser, which is a decent weapon, but enemies have more resistance to electrical damage than aggravated damage.

Here's the taser in-action. It's also pretty inaccurate.

Another new weapon that we won't use.

And a new helmet.

This tome seems to exist solely for Lily, because she's the only one who doesn't have Potence.

Look at how big the area is for going back down!

Ok, so the Wraiths are the second major enemy of the dungeon, and they appear more frequently than the spiders of the first floor. They can make a coeterie member frenzy in a second, do a lot of damage with their melee attacks, and are hard to hit. They're a difficult enemy, though they don't have much resistance to aggravated damage.

The Wraiths are difficult by themselves, but they come in packs, and sometimes there are spiders mixed in, as well. Prison of ice is a way to cheese these fights, but I only like to use it when necessary.

It turns out that Fire Storm is pretty much their kryptonite.

I found some new armor for Christof, which doesn't look any different than the armored t-shirt or not wearing any armor at all. That symbol under Christof's feet means he has cast Blood Potency.

There are some prison cells here, which is historically accurate.

Yet another weapon we won't use.

Here's a hidden room with the switch in pain sight.

Unfortunately, this isn't very useful.

That last fight didn't go so well, so I'm gonna use walk the abyss, sell some loot, and refill our supplies of blood.

Now to keep progressing.

Yes, the dungeon is as dark as the screenshots make it seem.

Alright, this is the top.


Two dots in Fire Storm, two dots in Fortitude, 2 points in strength, 4 points in perception.

Three dots in Fortitude, two dots in Majesty, one dot in Awaken, 1 point in manipulation, 4 points in strength, 5 points in dexterity.

Two dots in Potence, 3 dots in Fire Storm, one dot in both Command and Mesmerize, which are under Dominate, 1 point in intelligence, 3 points in wits.

As soon as we finish increasing our stats, we have to fight some vipers, which I assume belong to Lucretia.

We could have used Walk of the Abyss, but I get the feeling that there's something directly outside the tower that we don't want to miss.

What's this?

Boss fight!

The werewolf is really difficult. It absolutely shreds your health, and it's almost impossible if you don't have prison of ice.

We just keep freezing him and slowly chipping away at its health. It seems to have a pretty high resistance to all types of damage.

Now to head back to Lucretia, who stayed around the temple of set for some reason.

Looks like the people who were here earlier left.


For some reason we can move the camera around during this dialog sequence. Anyway...

...thankfully we're transported to the level Lucretia is on.


No animation or anything? Is that really all she needs to do - just give her word?

Good idea.

Wait, what?

Or just a fucking idiot.

Pink clutches the invisible heart in his hand, winds up, and throws in at the Setite to the left of Lucretia.

Boss fight!

Lucretia again starts out by summoning a snake, which dies in a couple of hits.

And again, it's just a matter of hitting her until she dies. She does more damage than before, but it's very manageable.

After we hit her enough, she crumples into a pile on the floor, and she cannot be further damaged. Our coeterie will still attack her, however, until we do what's next.

That Setite with the heart appears and dies with a couple of hits.

He drops the heart..

What does Christof do? Same drill as the last update, and if you don't have an account, vote in the comments of this youtube video.
Let's see what the other option leads to:
Let's kill the Werewolf with the baton: