Part 20: Synecdoche, New York
Final Vote:
Diablerize: 13
Destory: 3

Now we have access to the Serpentis discipline, which we would have gotten even if we destroyed the heart. I know, it really ruins a main point of Diablerising, but there are some other effects on Christof. Fist, notice that his humanity is down to 50 from 70. Next, notice that his generation is now 8 instead of 9, meaning that Lucretia was of a lower generation than Christof, and Christof's new, lower generation causes his bloodpool to be raised to 225 from 150. However, of course, this isn't consistent with the actual rules of VtM given that a 4th generation vampire can hold a maximum of 50 blood points, and it's unknown for the Antediluvians, 2nd generation vampires, and Caine. Also, Pink is an 8th generation vampire, and he only has a pool of 170. Just take it as one of the many, many contradictions of this game regarding VtM. I've read that there is also some risk of the diablerised vampire affecting the diablerist -- ranging from affecting personality traits to actually taking control -- but that doesn't happen.

One dot in Eyes of the Serpent, one dot in Tongue of the Asp, one dot in Skin of the Adder, four dots in Hatch the Viper, one dot in Celerity, 1 point in Perception.

Only Christof received Serpentis.

One dot in Celerity, 18 points in manipulation, 1 point in stamina.

Three dots in Aura Perception, three dots in Blood Healing, 4 points in strength, 2 points in wits, 1 point in stamina.

Before we leave, we can now examine vampire's auras in more detail. I've read that you'll be able to tell if a vampire has diablerised by their aura.

It turns out that Pink has.

But why does Christof's aura not show it?

We can't use Walk of the Abyss to leave, so we have to backtrack through the dungeon to get out. Nothing new happens along the way.



I love Pink's personality.


Since when?

You know, I think Christof has spent more time with Lily in the Setite Temple alone than he has with Anezka entirely.

It really takes effort for Christof to be so willfully ignorant of everyone's feeling except his own.

We have to head to the docks, but let's try to use Aura Perception on NPCs. Here's a suspicious policeman.

We're not allowed to use it on NPCs we can talk to, for some reason.

Now to board the ship.

The quest log, again, spoils the next plot point. Let's continue without showing it.


Those clothes are so fucking stupid on a nosferatu.

That nosferatu made the interpol agent explode only by swiping him with his claws.

These Nosferatu like to cloak themselves like the ones in Josef's Tunnels.

This Incinerator, which I found in the Tower of London, is pretty effective against vampires because of their weakness to fire.

Let's do a quick plot recap. The society of Leopold were raiding Vysehrad Castle for vampire relics and such, but they ran into the Tzimisce who, with the help of the Giovanni, were shipping huge amounts of Pragueian earth out of Prague for some unknown reason. We met up with Pink, who told us that the Setites would know what's up with that. Then we went to their brothel, teamed up with Lily who was blood bound to the Setite leader Lucretia, and Lily told us that Lucretia had knowledge of the shipments of earth. Next, we killed every Setite in the place, but Lucretia wouldn't tell us anything about the shipments, and couldn't be killed because she removed her heart and put it in the Tower of London. So we went to the Tower, got the heart, got attacked by a werewolf, went back to the brothel, used the heart as a bargaining chip to free Lily of her blood bond and get information about when the next shipment was, which was supposed to be here and now, but according to this interpol agent, everything in the shipment is already in a Giovanni warehouse. So I assume this ship is transporting cargo we don't care about to New York. Either Lucretia lied to us, or the writers don't know what they're doing.

The scene fades out and back in

Oh yeah, I can do that all of the sudden.

The scene fades out and back in

Thanks for showing us that this is actually the St. Magdalena. I don't know if this is supposed to be a reference to Mary Magdalene from the new testament or not.
The screen fades out and back in.

The screen fades out to white and back in from white

A nightmare of Anezka just standing there, looking bored. How terrifying.

Welcome to New York.

Hey it's that Agent Thorne we heard about on the ship.

It all connects! What good writing!

I would say Christof is learning, but he never uses 'you' again.

I'll just tell you all this probably-classified information

So do the Nosferatu have their own hitmen syndicate or something? How does the FBI agent know about what hits the Sabbat put out?

Uh.. Pink, 'george' is still standing right in front of us.

Anezka is his excuse for everything.

I'm sure random people walking on the streets of New York will know something about FBI codes. Let's talk to Thorne again.

You'd think we could set up cameras or something.

Who's that up ahead?


Hmm. Let's move on.

The Giovanni warehouse is just opposite of the homeless lady, but we can't enter it.

Hey look, some Nosferatu standing in plan sight.

The Nosferatu summon Ghoul Rats with Beckoning. After killing them...

So Samuel was apparently scared of being 'turned' to the Sabbat. I don't understand this, because for the Nosferatu, allegiance to the Clan is more important to allegiance to either the Sabbat or Camarilla. Hence why the term Nosferatu-Antitribu is somewhat of an oxymoron.

I didn't even attempt to lie to you and tell you it was Ecaterina that awoke Christof, because you can clearly tell that it was Anezka's voice. They didn't even try to obscure it.

Yeah, he's obsessed with this girl but he can't even remember what she sounds like. Probably due to him only having around three conversations with her.

I've said it before, but I love when they do this.

Dev/Null is a reference to this. Who cares?

Cross another name off Pink's list of British historical figures to reference. That's also a very awkward thing to say. I wonder why?

Now we have a Nosferatu wearing a sweater in our coeterie.

His stats aren't very good. A Nosferatu's appearance stat can't be raised above zero except for items like rings.

Neither are his powers.

His aura being 'Compassionate' is related to his humanity score.

That's a really embarrassing walk cycle.

You'd think that with a Nosferatu in our Coeterie, we might think about using the sewers to get around, but we can't. How exactly does a manhole get locked, anyway?

Uh-oh! That policeman is going to freak out when he sees Samuel.

Or not. He has no reaction at all.

We'll explore Uptown later.

Let's get some new equipment.


His last name is probably a reference to the gun company of the same name.

Forget about that whole masquerade thing. That doesn't apply here.

We can buy some of the best weapons and armor in the game here, but we'll talk about those more later.

Here's Christof's new armor.

This gun shop sells medieval weaponry.

The ladder to Dev/Null's apartment is pretty close to that locked manhole.


Fuck Dev/Null. I hate it when writers resort to using insanity as a means of foreshadowing. I know it fits in with the Malkavian's fabled insight and all, but it's just plain lazy to resort to the overused mad oracle trope. Nihilistic used it earlier with that homeless woman, and Troika used it in Bloodlines with that girl on the beach. With that being said, pay attention to what Dev/Null says.

Remember what Lily just said. A Stealth Mission

Before we do that, let's check out our new haven in Dev/Null's apartment.

It's a nice detail that the mirror actually reflects everything.

Let's head back to that manhole.

We'll attempt this stealth mission next time.