The Let's Play Archive

Vanguard Bandits

by Smasher Dynamo

Part 3: Chapter #2: Bandit Brigade

Chapter 2: Bandit Brigade

This is the intermission screen you get between missions.

MissionTakes you to the next battle immediately, so let's hold off on that for a second.

BriefingBrings up a brief overview of what the hell it is you're supposed to do. This missions brings us:

: No, I detect two ATACs in the center of the canyon! If we hurry, we can save them!
: But they're surrounded by Imperials...what do you think, Ione?
: Well, inside such a narrow space, we can easily cover each other's backs...But if the mob surrounds us as well, our only escape route will be cut off. Stay close and move quickly, or we'll watch those people die by the Empire's hand.
: That's not going to happen. Time for you to watch and learn from the best of the Avalon Corps, Bastion!
: Hey! I'm not a student, Reyna. I'm a teacher!

Yeah, these segments typically aren't particularly interesting or useful, also, Bastion, not so good at comebacks

Moving along, Interview

Meet the interview screen, which gives you a somewhat accurate view of your party's morale, which, in turn, determines which ending you'll get. Talking to people in an interview raises their morale by varying degrees, getting them killed in battle lowers their morale. I'll go into more detail once we get closer to one of the endings. Anyway, you can only use an interview three times per mission, but you can choose the same person multiple times if you choose. I'll be showing off all of the interview quotes, because I'm considerate like that.

: To learn the Strong Slash, you must strengthen your BAS, POW, and DEX. It will come to you in time.
Thanks for ruining my immersion into the game!
: I think my friend Reyna has a bit of a crush on you, Bastion. How do you feel about her?
Weren't you just talking about slaughter and people getting killed or something?
: Life is a wonderful gift, Bastion, so don't waste a single moment of it on stress or worry.

Shop isn't available at the moment and there's nothing to do in Equip, so it's battle time!

: And watch how hard you hit 'em! Nobody's gonna buy any ATAC parts from us if they don't work!
: I don't care if you kill me, but have mercy! Allow my friend to leave! He doesn't deserve this fate!
Remember this moment, for this is the moment that Devlin was unleashed on your party.

: What are you saying, Father?! I'm going to stand and fight with you, not run away! If we don't help these people, they'll die before our eyes...and I couldn't live with myself if that happened! This is my time, Father. Don't deny me this opportunity. I'm ready.
: You honor me with your bravery. Remember your training. Focus on...
: I know, Father, I know!
: (I have no reason to worry about the boy. He has already shown great skill. But I cannot help it...)
: Hey, Boss! We've got company!
: Ha, ha, ha! Whooo! We're in luck today, boys! Four more lambs led to the slaughter!

The bandits will attack Devlin and Barlow first. Both of them are NPCs for this battle, they'll a few spaces towards you after the your party attacks one of the bandits, but, beyond that, they won't do anything except defend. That said, the Bandits aren't strong enough to kill Devlin or Barlow before Kamorge (who you still can't control) comes over and destroys the Bandits.

Speak of the devil...

: Those strangers...are helping us! I...I can barely believe my eyes! Are you too weak from hunger to think clearly, Barlow?! Move closer to those friendly ATACs!
: How many times do I have to tell you, Devlin?! I'm not fat- -I have a glandular disorder!
Meet Barlow, he thankfully doesn't talk much. Anyway, at this point, I move my characters over to the the Southern group of bandits and they hack at each other for a bit. You can control Ione, but don't bother letting her attack, you need to conserve XP for characters who matter.

After a few turns, three new ATACs show up

: So, the rumors were true...these soldiers are out of control!! They are attacking innocent travelers with Imperial ATACs, disgracing the very Empire they pledged to serve! Franco, Halak! We have discipline to mete out!
: Father! Three more Imperial ATACs just appeared on the canyon ridge! We're in serious trouble...
Are we? Let's take a look at the new units

This is Sadira's personal ATAC, the Sylpheed. It's an excavated ATAC, making it more powerful than your typical ATAC. It outclasses anything we'll have for a while.

Franco and Halak, meanwhile, use Korbelans. They're pretty good units for the first part of the game and very mobile, which is nice. As we'll see way down the line, however, they become kind of useless about two-thirds of the way through the game.

At this point, about half of the bandits will break towards Sadira and her bodyguards. The bandits have numbers, which is super-important in this game, but simply aren't powerful enough to do much damage. The four southernmost bandits will keep trying to kill Barlow and Devlin, making them the perfect targets.

Sadira kills one of the bandits, as well she might seeing as she has the most powerful ATAC on the field by a ton.

Reyna responds in kind as the mop-up begins. Incidentally, if you look closely, you can see that Reyna killed a guy 2 spaces away from her. That's because she has Long Thrust, an attack that allows you to strike one space farther than regular thrust. It's just about all that Reyna has going for herself at the moment.

She also levels up. I put all three points into DEX. Why? Oh, you'll good time, in good time.

Bastion also manages to take out an enemy, earning another level-up. I put a point into POW and two into DEX. Why?

That's why. Kamorge's prophecy has come to fruition, for now Bastion has unlocked the might of the Strong Slash! I don't actually get a chance to use it in this battle, though.

Meanwhile, Franco has managed to get himself killed. How? Well, he was outnumbered by enemies who attacked him. Since every time a character is attacked, he has to take on at least 20 FP, Franco eventually managed to dizzy himself, leaving him defenseless. He then was slowly beaten to death by the mass of bandits surrounding him. Bummer for him, a good learning experience for us.

At this point, the battle's basically over. Our party has managed to kill the southern half of the bandits, while Sadira has taken out most of the others. The only suspense is seeing how many kills I can steal from her. Disappointingly, it was only this one. Still, Reyna levels up again, and I put 1 point on BAS and 2 on DEX. That done, the battle is finished

Oh, good, more talking.
: We searched everywhere, but...
: There were no other survivors of the attack, nor did I expect there to be.
: Never in any battles have I seen such senseless carnage.
: Nor have I. Those sadistic freaks took pleasure in killing those people.
: We did not detect them until it was too late. My friends begged for mercy. I--I heard their screams...
: I think I'm gonna be sick.

And then Sadira shows up because this game hates me...

: And who are you to show such concern for the Empire?
: Are you not an Imperial citizen? Surely you recognize the face of your princess.
: (The Imperial Princess...!)
: We have received many reports of soldiers using the power of the Empire for criminal acts. I journeyed here to investigate the rumors...and I have now confirmed them beyond any doubt.
Alright, B-Bas, this is your big opportunity, don't blow it.
: How can you be so clinical after witnessing this...this...travesty?! Imperial soldiers cut down innocent travelers and took glee in their deaths! You shouldn't be ashamed at what has taken place here, Princess--you should be horrified! Is THIS what your precious Empire stands for? The slaughter of the innocent and the desecration of the dead?!
Okay, Bastion, now bring it home...
: Why do you not speak, Princess? Have my words chipped at the royal heart of ice? Answer me!!
"Have my words chipped at the royal heart of ice?" God damn it, B-Bas, is there anything you can't fuck up?
: I...I...
: Lower your voice, Bastion. We all recognize the tragedy which has unfolded here. We thank you and your escorts for aiding us in the battle, Princess.
: (I can't believe that Father is being so courteous to the child of the Emperor himself! She represents everything I was taught to despise.)
: Indeed. We are in your debt, good sir. Without your considerable strength, I doubt we could have prevented the rogues from prevailing here. In my humble opinion, there is no need for us to quarrel when our intentions are the same.
: Really? I always thought the Empire's intent was to plunder from anyone and everyone. You're probably upset that these people won't be around to pay any more travel tolls!
: I have had entirely enough of your misguided anger, boy! I have come here to stop these bandits from committing these horrible acts.
: Sadira speaks the truth. It is the will of the Princess to halt the anarchy...and the bloodletting. Why do you believe otherwise?
Uh...probably because a whole bunch of people just got massacred by people the Princess had nominal control over.
: Why?! Look at the senseless death before you, sir, and perhaps you will begin to understand.
: Hey, you! Self-righteous boy with the big mouth!
Oh, you mean the guy that just saved you from certain death, Devlin?
: You seem to think that it's only the Empire which visits evil acts upon the innocent. I assure the Pharastia Kingdom has abused its power just as much, if not more.
: Impossible!
: Wrong. Very possible, and very real. Have you ever seen the terror these armies cause? Butchers are butchers, regardless of the crest under which they shed innocent blood.
: I admit that I have not seen the terror you have, sir. But I have never seen the Kingdom's armies cause an atrocity like this!
: Whereas I have seen them cause similar acts more times than I can count. The insanity of war drives the most honorable of men to commit the most unthinkable acts. The Kingdom and the Empire wage their endless battles, and the people of the Continent endlessly suffer.
: Yes...
: I want the suffering to end, sir. That's why I'm here. I'm going to stop the war. I'm going to restore peace to our land and our people. I shall not forget this day! And I shall not fail! Franco, it is time to depart.
: Yes, highness.
: (I pray we shall not encounter another such scene in our travels...)

Franco sticks around a second to share with us his love of class Trek
: But you have my respect regardless of your feelings about the Empire.
: My respect follows you in kind, Franco.
: You know my name, sir, but I know not yours.
: I am Kamorge.
: Kamorge...and Bastion, I believe you said earlier. Take care in your journeys.
And then he splits. See you in another branch, Franco...
: We should also make haste. Sharks come quickly at the scent of blood.
: Father...
: I suppose your long face means you believe we should invite these two travelers to join our party.
Oh, please, God, no!
: You already saved both our lives, and now you would help us again? Your kindness knows no bounds.
: Yeah, thanks a lot! I really don't want to get beaten up again!
: I'm Devlin, and this is my 'special' friend, Barlow. It's nice to meet you.
Oh lord....
: Um, would you guys have any food? I have a glandular disorder. Makes me want to eat a lot.
I already hate them both. Can no one save us from this parade of shitty characters?

And that's when this motherfucker just teleports out of thin air. Hard to take a screenshot of it, though.
: Hello, everybody! You weren't thinking of leaving without me, were you? 'Course not!
: And who are you?
: You're alive! Ha! I knew those damn bandits could never have slain the infamous Andrew!
Damn straight, they couldn't

Meanwhile, in an ATAC hangar far away....

: Your highness, you appear to be troubled. What news has caused your noble brow to furrow?
: Why was I not informed of your plans to travel into the war zone, Faulkner?! You know how strong my desire to join you on the field of battle runs within me! It is entirely unacceptable that Sadira should be allowed to engage the enemy when I am not!
: Please forgive me, Highness, but we have discussed this many times in the past. You are the immediate heir to the Empire, Duyere. Your safety is my utmost concern. I cannot allow our future King to act frivolously where he life is at understand that.
: Yes, Faulkner...I am acutely aware of the many burdens placed upon me since my birth. But the fact remains that the desire to fight for the Empire I shall one day inherit cannot be denied. And, to fight at the side of a legend such as yourself would be at once an honor and a privilege.
: You flatter me with your gracious words, Prince Duyere.
: My gracious nature will turn foul if you continue to deny me the one thing I most crave.
: But the repairs on your Sarbelas ATAC are incomplete. You could not fight at full strength.
: Then I shall merely fight with more caution, Faulkner. Have you another excuse to proffer?
Sometimes I feel like this game was translated by a guy studying for his SATs.
: Alright, Prince. You may accompany me...but you must promise to obey my orders at all times.
: Of course, Faulkner. I ask only to be treated the same way as any other soldier under your command.
: But you are no ordinary soldier, Duyere, and I cannot pretend otherwise.
: Then at least pretend to pretend, Faulkner!! I demand it!
: As you wish, Majesty.
: That's better. Prepare my ATAC at once.

Almost done....
: I'm ready to go. Let's kick some Imperial butt and make tracks for the nearest brothel.
Wait, so they could say 'brothel' but not 'ass?'
: Tell me, Devlin, has this man's um...ego...always been so dangerously inflated. Some people were bred to notice the boorish nature of such a braggart.
I'm guessing the translator's verbal section didn't go so hot...
: All I know for certain is that he's an excellent fighter, and he's more than able to hold his liquor. I have never been particularly inclined to ask how he developed either skill.
: Hey, man, don't you know you're not supposed to talk about me like that until you're behind my back?!
: Father, I refuse to believe that the kingdom is as Devlin said. Because if his words are true...Then there's no reason to fight the Empire, because the citizens of the Continent have already lost.
: Bastion, when we reach Galvas, you will understand why this war must be fought. You will learn...Wait! I detect two groups of ATACs, both in front of and behind us.
: We've been surrounded?!
: More Imperial troops, from the looks of them!
: See?! I knew that Princess didn't mean a word she said! Her soldiers are still wreaking havoc!
Bastion, from emo to belligerent in under a second!
: There are no rogue soldiers, Bastion. These are the Empire's elite fighters. (And I dare not tell you who leads them into battle...)

Next time: A character you've grown to love goes out in a blaze of exposition!