Part 6: Chapter #4: Araba Reclaimed, Part 1
Chapter 4: Araba Reclaimed

: We haven't come to reclaim Araba. Not yet, anyway. Our only objective is to rescue poor Galvas. Ione and Reyna have examined the maps obtained by intelligence. I believe they have found a way in. Our main task is to keep the Imperials busy to buy Ione and Reyna time to find Galvas. However, we mustn't let them know we are restraining ourselves. We must maintain a fragile illusion. Two attack squads will be utilized. Primary force will attack from the front, secondary from the side. Ganlon and I will lead the primary force. Bastion, you shall lead the secondary squad. If our intelligence is correct, we shall be facing substantially more ATACs than I had expected.

: What of the man who killed Father? Faulkner? Do you expect him to join his troops in battle?

: I can't be certain, Bastion, but it is very likely. A general must lead, or he loses the respect of his men. Remember, the task is to hold the Imperials until Galvas is spirited away to safety. As soon as we receive word from Ione, we must immediately retreat to Avalon. I know you crave revenge, Bastion. I just cannot allow you to risk Galvas' life to exact it.
Man, that was a lot of words....that will have little to no impact in this mission.
And Devlin already hates me, after but one mission. Well, fuck him. Three more interviews to Reyna

: Bastion, if Reyna offers to bake you cookies, I suggest you decline. Your digestive system will thank you...

: I baked Ione some cookies, but I must have used the wrong ingredients. Why else would she projectile-vomit?

: You think too much, Bastion! Feel, don't think! Use your instincts! Go with your gut, not your brain!
Time to Devlin completely contradicting himself: five minutes!

: Bastion, did you know Reyna likes to bake cookies?! She is unquestionably the perfect woman!!
I guess someone likes Reyna's deadly, deadly cookies
Okay, less talk, more rock, let's get to...wait, more talking?

: We shall allow Duke Zeira and his forces to come. They shall exhaust themselves in the assault...And then we shall reveal our true strength, at which point the Duke and his men shall be annihilated. That is all, gentlemen. Return to your posts and await further orders.

: What?! I gave specific orders that no one was to enter or leave Araba until the threat was quelled!
You know, I'm going to start keeping track of the number of Faulkner's plans that Sadira and Duyere fuck up despite being on the same side. We're already up to three!

: And I informed him as such, Dear Excellency, but he IS the Imperial Prince. He was quite adamant. He made no sense. Just muttering about making up for his mistakes in the battle at the Maqui Bridge. I apologize and beg your forgiveness, Excellency...

: (This makes the situation rather complicated. Damn that Duyere!) Your orders have changed, gentlemen. We must mobilize our ATACs to fight alongside the brave Prince Duyere. We shall undoubtedly suffer more casualties than I had originally anticipated...But out superior fighting skill and strength of numbers shall still assure us of victory. Of course, we must still have a regiment within the castle. I have decided upon yours, Commander Zakov.
Before Zakov speaks for the first time, I would like all of my readers to remember this moment, for your life, your world, will never be the same...

: Vhat?! And vhy shoult my men and I be deprived uff a role in dhe glorious wictory to come?!
Huh. Zakov is a Russian name, but he speaks with a German accent. I'm going to say he's an immigrant from foreign-Slavia. He also reminds me of one of the robot wrestlers from Futurama. "I'm not from here! I have different customs than you! Look at my craaaazy passport!"

: You should be honored that I have entrusted you with a task of such great importance, not insulted.

: Dhere is no honor cowering behind castle valls, Fokkner! I vish to fight!

: Unfortunately, Zakov, I have neither the time nor the energy to engage you in a debate. You shall obey my orders, and you will guard Araba until my return. I would be very disappointed if you failed to heed my instructions, Zakov. VERY Disappointed. Do you understand the gravity of the words I have imparted to you here?

: (How I vould luff to kill you slowly, you sarcastic bastard...) I understant, Fokker.

: Your accent seems to have suddenly thickened, Commander. I pray for your sake it lightens soon. Now then, protecting Galvas during the attack shall be of vital importance. He may yet prove useful. This will be a glorious day in the history of the Empire, gentlemen. To battle!
And Faulkner then laments that because he killed Kamorge, he is now the only competent character in the game.
Meanwhile, in the dungeons, a unique sprite is trapped in a cell.

: Hey, where are the guards we're supposed to be relieving? Are we late for our shift. I didn't realize we'd spent so long swilling ale...
Working Designs Translator: Wait, 'drinking beer'? That won't about uh...'swilling ale', yeah, it's better because it's way more olde-timey.

Reyna and Ione show up to knock out the world's most pretentious guard.

: Galvas! Help me Ione! We have to figure out how to get him out of his cell!

: I think I have a good idea of how to accomplish that. I just need to feel up these guards....
And lo, Ione was as good as her word

: Hrmph. It's a little smaller than average, but here it is: the key to Galvas' cell. A lot easier than trying to squeeze through those bars, if you ask me.

: Galvas, we've come to rescue you...

: But you probably realized that when we demonstrated our hand-to-hand combat skills on those poor fools.
Finally, finally, finally it is time to meet Galvas, the man, the legend, the only one who can answer all of Bastion's questions. Oh, Galvas, share with us your wisdom.

: Galvas, are you injured? Have these Imperials been torturing you?
Yes, Galvas, speak! Tell us what we need to know! Guide us with your wisdom!

: I'll...I'll be alright. The only torture I've undergone is being allowed to use the facilities only once a day. Perhaps we can stop at a restroom after you free me from this accursed dungeon.
Galvas wants to put the escape of hold so he can have a potty break...I think I'm getting a clearer picture about why the Kingdom is losing the war.

: I apologize, Sir Galvas, but you'll need to hold it until after we've left the castle!
And they leave.
And here comes Andrew to....[/i]

: Nice work, ladies. Very nice work, indeed. The boss will be impressed when he hears about this.
But who could Andrew's mysterious employer be? The answer may surprise you! It won't interest you, however.

: The plan seems to be a success. Every ATAC in Araba must be out here to engage us...I just pray the women find Galvas before these wretched Imperials tarnish us too badly. Bastion, you must attack now!

: Stick to Zeira's plan, Bastion! If you do anything stupid, it could ruin everything. You understand that, don't you?
Does he?

: I understand. I'll do just as Zeira instructed us..until Galvas is rescued. And then I'm going to rip Faulkner from his ATAC and slit his throat!

: I have no problem with that. Just make sure you stay alive!

: I frankly don't care if I die...not as long as I claim Faulkner's life first!
Okay, that didn't sound too promising. Let's try the other choice.

: You can worry about your own life, Devlin! I'm here to claim revenge, nothing more!

: I know full well about wanting revenge, Bastion! I have lost both friends and family to the Empire! But if you attack Faulkner, you jeopardize the life of Galvas...The only one who can explain what your father told you with his final breath. Be patient, Bastion! You'll have your chance for revenge soon enough!

: (But I have a chance for revenge at this very moment...)
Oh, right, the battle. Anyway, this is kind of pain, if only because it can be a bit unclear what you're supposed to do. At the moment, there are really two battles going on. Pictured here is the tussle between Zeira and pals and Faulkner, Duyere and his bodyguards. We've seen all of the Imperial units before, but the Kingdom and Avalon ATACs are new.
The Glaive, a profoundly crappy ATAC
The Haizuron isn't much better
The Waiban, however, is surprisingly decent.
And the Toreadore, Zeira's personal ATAC, the only one of its kind, and the strongest ATAC on the battlefield. Still, the Kingdom army is going to get routed by the Imperials given enough time.
On the other side of the map, Bastion, Barlow and Devlin are going up against two Imperials.
The battle between Zeira's and Faulkner's armies tends to turn into a clusterfuck as the AI isn't really smart enough other than to dash its units against itself.
After a few turns, this happens...[/i]

: (I tolt dhat fool he coult not vin vithout my help! But perhaps I can take advantage uff dhis situation and show Prince Duyere that I deserff to be a general! Soldier! Come here at vunce!

: Yes, sir?

: Fetch Galwas from dhe dungeon ant bring him to me! (I will display Galvas for everyvun on the battlefielt to see. The Avalon Army vill be forced to retreat. And I vill be hailed as dhe man who changed dhe course uff the var!)
Er...isn't the Empire winning the war. Wouldn't changing the course of the war be a bad thing for the Empire?

: Commander Zakov!

: Vhy haff you not brought Galvas as I ordered you to do?

: He...he escaped, sir!

: Vhat?!! He vas to be guardet by at least two men at all times! Vhere are dhe fools now?!

: Uh...they're dead, sir. Broken necks. Galvas must have killed them as he escaped.

: If dhey weren't already dead, I vould kill dhem myself! (Fokkner vill haff my head vhen he hears dhis news! Unless...) If Galwas has escaped, dhen ve must recapture him! You soldiers, come vith me! Ve are joining the battle vith Fokkner!

: But I thought General Faulkner's orders were for us to remain here in the castle, Commander...

: Dhat vas before Galvas escaped! Vhen ve find him, and defeat dhese Avalon fools, Fokkner vill not care!

: As you command, sir...
Faulkner, however, thinks it's really fucking stupid to leave the castle defenseless.

: (I knew he had ambitions to impress the Prince, but this bold a maneuver is certainly unexpected. After this battle is won, I will have to consider the best way to deal with him. Perhaps...permanently.)
That would probably seem more evil if Zakov hadn't just committed treason. Oh, and Ione and Reyna finally show up.

: Duke Zeira! Galvas is with us, and he's alright!

: Good work, Ione! All ATACs, prepare to fall back!

: Wait, Zeira! Not yet! The ATACs which were guarding the castle have followed us in pursuit of Galvas...Which means they have left Araba almost completely defenseless. These Imperial fools have given us a perfect opportunity to reclaim Araba for the Kingdom! Zeira, if you can continue to distract the Empire's forces for a short while longer...Reyna and I will join with Bastion's squadron and storm the castle!

: That's a fine idea, Ione! We'll keep these Imperial pigs busy for as long as you require.

: And once we've joined you, proceed directly to the castle entrance. Ignore the Imperials!
See that gate? We need to go there to end the mission. As you can see, ignoring the Imperials isn't really an option.
And then Sadira shows up. Let's see what she wants.

: What is Faulkner doing here?! And for what reason has he invaded this castle and provoked the Kingdom?

: Sadira, you know quite well that Faulkner has never needed a reason to embrace violence. He lives for it. Your Highness, do you not recognize that ATAC across the way? If I'm not mistaken, it's driven by the young man we encountered at Egas Canyon.

: Bastion. The boy who condemned my Father's Empire for waging war,...and here he is, battling against us! Is our Empire truly so evil that it inspires such hatred in the hearts of men?

: Sadira, we have no reason to stay and watch this...especially not if it upsets you. We can discuss your concerns about Faulkner with your father when we return home.

: No. I want to watch this.
And then Sadira and her bodyguards stand around for the rest of the battle. Thanks, Sadira, you're totally not a waste of a character.
Back at the main battle, the Imperial troops are slowly crushing the Kingdom troops, mainly because Faulkner is powerful to turn the tide of battle by himself. That's a problem, because once Zeira and his troops are dead, we're next
Which brings us back to Bastion and pals. Given enough time, we could pretty easily deal with all of these Imperials. Zakov is the only real threat, and they don't outnumber us so much that's it's apt to cause any serious danger. Unfortunately, the same dumb AI that enables us to take out this group is also in charge of Zeira and the other Kingdom troops....and let's see how that's going.
Zeira is the only Kingdom soldier left standing, and he's dizzied. We're running out of time.
Okay, well, we have to do something. It doesn't matter who steps on the gate tile, but seeing as Bastion is a)so strong that the computer will pick off his weaker companions first and b)the only guy we have in a ATAC that is more durable than tissue paper, I've chosen to send him out to end the battle, while everyone else draws off the enemy.
This leads to Ione inadvertently leveling up. I have never felt so ashamed...
Still, it's hard to argue with success. Bastion reaches the gate and I didn't lose a single unit.

: Forces of the Kingdom have taken the castle! We must retreat for now...but we shall return to reclaim it!

: We should leave as well...

: Vhat?! Dhey took dhe castle?! Dhis is...dhis is not good! (I pray the Emperor vill look upon my distinguished years of service and pardon dhis mistake...)
God help us all, but given that we'll see Zakov again later, the Emperor apparently does.
Next Time: Words....lots and lots of words